Chpt 25

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Diamond's POV:

I can't believe my dumbass brother was stupid enough to let his anger get that out of control. He swore he'd never let another female get him like this again. I mean really my guy?You're that pressed over pussy? Especially over pussy that belongs to the girl he "claims" he couldn't give a fuck about, but we all know the truth. I mean how could you not? I've seen ten too many niggas fall for me and act just like him. Okay, well maybe not just like him, but to a very similar state.

He's showing all the signs of being pussy-matized: lurking her socials every chance he gets, eyeing her 25/8, and claiming to be checking on me when I know he just wants to know about her. Like why is so fucking hard for niggas to admit they got a crush? He don't even gotta say he's in love (which I doubt he is), but at least admit you're a lil bit obsessed.

As I drove to the hospital (as fast but legally as possible), I noticed Milan's spaced-out expression through the rear view mirror. The girl looked out of it. She kept moving her hands through Zahir's hair and across his chest, not even caring about the blood that was getting on her.

I just don't understand why of all people, my brother had to attack the only guy besides him who I can trust. The only guy who's ever had my back and didn't try to make a move on me, was laying on my backseat unconscious. Two of my closest friends, both sat unmoving on my backseat because of my brother's idiocy.

Zahir looked damn near lifeless and Milan had the same expression across her face from when I first met her. Lifeless, fearful, pained, and untrusting those were the words to describe the expression I thought she had been rid of.

As I was approaching the hospital, I quickly pulled into the closest parking space by the entrance that I could find. I unlocked the door and helped Milan get Zahir out of the car.

We walked through the entrance and before I knew it, in a matter of ten minutes, we were in the waiting room. They had wheeled Zahir into some room and told us we couldn't join cause we're not family or whatever. I even tried that stupid "Oh I'm his fiancé" card and all they did was look at me and go "good for you miss", before turning away.

I sat down in one of the chairs besides a silent Milan, elbows on her knees with her head in her hands. It was an awkward silence and I could tell she was blaming herself. Yet as much as I wanted to comfort my best friend, I couldn't bring myself to it.

I was still hurt myself and no one comforted me. Hell my own brother is the reason why I'm here, why Zahir is fucking here. And don't even get me started on Xion, who's suddenly nowhere to be found. Well not exactly nowhere, like MIA nowhere but like 'fuck you' nowhere.

Like I know where he is but he's ok some fuck shit right now. Can you believe this nigga had the nerve to tell me Zahir had it coming? All cause he was "being disrespectful". Like what the actual fuck? I didn't even respond to his clownery after that, I just hung up the phone.

What am I gonna do if Zahir is in a coma or something? Him being unconscious is already hard on me but if he slips into a coma, God forbid, I'll go crazy. Whenever I wasn't with Milan I was with him and vice versa. He's my rock and always has been. He was there whenever David or my parents couldn't be. He was there when I got my first heartbreak and into my first argument with David. He was there for it all, just as I was for him. I can't lose him. I just can't.

I had no idea what do with myself as time ticked on bye, and still no one came out to tell his any news. So I soon ended up in the same position as Milan, with my head in my hands, sulking.

Milan's POV:

After everything I honestly didn't know how to feel. My emotions where all over the place, Zahir is in the hospital because of me. It's all because of me. Diamond almost lost her childhood best friend, hell damn near a brother to her, because of me. Me, me, me. Why does it always have to involve me?

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