Chpt 26

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Milan's POV:

Diamond knocked on the door as we had both forgotten our keys. We waited for an answer, but the sight we were greeted with as the door opened was enough to send Diamond's fist flying at it: a half naked girl's face.

"What the fuck!" The girl spits out, as she grabs onto her now bloody and slightly crooked nose.

"Where's my brother?" Diamond asked her, not even caring about the harm she just caused the girl.

"Excuse me? An 'I'm sorry' has yet to be said." The girl snarked back, glaring at the two of us.

"But I'm not sorry, sooooo." Diamond said rolling her eyes, "Now for the last time where's my brother?" She asked again, becoming impatient.

Wiping the blood from her nose the girl rolled her eyes at us, but before she could say anything a shirtless David came to the door.

"Wassup Diamond? What are you doing here?" He asked, while keeping his eyes trained on me.

"We're getting Milan's stuff. Remember?" She said, giving him a side hug as she walked into the house.

"Right, right..." He mumbled, barely paying her any mind. I began to feel uneasy as he continued to eye me. I stood there awkwardly under his emotionless and cold gaze, while his fuck-of-the-day stared at us both.

"Ummm, Ghost? Excuse me!" She said, snapping in his face hoping to catch his attention. "Baby?" She asked, now wrapping her hands around his waist.

I guess her saying that was a trigger for us both, because that was all it took to snap us out of our moment. 'Baby' hearing her call him that was enough to anger my soul and everything within me. I watched as a clear look of annoyance flashed across Ghost's face, and in only a matter of seconds it was gone.

"Aniya, go inside real quick. I need to talk to her." He told her, flashing her a smile that I could clearly tell was forced.

She nodded her head at him in response, but before she went inside she made sure I could see her roll her eyes at me. I rolled my eyes back in response, but looked her over as she walked inside.

She was in his shirt and nothing else. But the icing on the fucking heartbreaking cake, was that almost every visible inch of her was covered in hickeys that were clearly from earlier today. That alone was enough to make me want to cry on the spot, but I held in my tears. I refused to give him another reason to call me weak.

I thought the whole point of this plan was to make him realize what he didn't have until it was gone, yet it feels like I'm the one who realized it. I refused to make eye contact with him, I couldn't even stand looking at him at this point.

Every time I made contact with him I was reminded of all his harsh words, how many times his hands nearly hurt me, how many times I found myself under his threats. I know those things alone should be enough to make me hate him, especially after what he did to Zahir. I should see him as a monster, yet I can't and I don't understand why.

I tried to walk past him so I could go help Diamond, but he quickly leaned against the door frame, blocking me from getting in.

"Please move, David." I mumbled under my breath as I kept from looking into his eyes.

"It's Ghost, and why are u really here?" He asked tilting my chin up so I was looking at him.

"I don't wanna speak to you." I replied, pushing past him and heading towards the stairs.

"Why yo ass gotta have an attitude?" He said, slowly beginning to push my buttons.

"Don't talk to me. Last I checked we're not friends and you're not my dad." I said, rolling my eyes and trying to keep my attitude down.

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