Chpt 12

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David's outfit ^^

Milan's POV.

I stood there a little in shock, as he leaned against the fridge and stared at me. I wanted to say "yes" so bad, but every time I tried to speak the words wouldn't form.

He raised an eyebrow at me and glanced at his watch, before looking me back in my eyes and licking his lips. I eyed him back in return and froze up again, as my eyes landed on his lips.

"Damn he's so fucking fine," I thought to myself or so I thought until I heard a deep chuckle escape his lips. I guess I said that thought out loud.

I broke contact from his lips and blushed when he walked closer to me which led to me backing up. This step forward-step back game get playing until he backed me into the counter.

He trapped me in between his arms and repeated his question, "Is you tryna eat with me or nah ma?"

I looked down and nodded not being able to trust my own words. He smirked at my response and backed up off me before walking upstairs. "I'll be down in about five minutes be ready for me at the door." He shouted down from whatever room he was in.

I got a little excited, because this was gonna be my first date-like experience. I went back into the living room, grabbed my bag from off the recliner, and waited at the door for him.

He came down in less than ten minutes in a whole new fit and grabbed his keys before walking out the door. I followed behind him quietly and waited by his car for his driver, but he just stared at me impatiently.

I glanced around confused and then asked him, "Is something wrong? Where's your driver?"

He just unlocked the car and got in as he said, "He ain't coming I'm driving today, get in or get left."

Now I wasn't tryna get left, cause it ain't like Diamond fed me earlier anyways and I didn't want his cold Chinese food. So you know what I did? I hopped my ass right into that car seat, buckled up, and relaxed as he sped off towards wherever we were eating.

It took about 15 minutes for us to get to Olive Garden. As he pulled up and parked, he unlocked the doors, got out, and came to my side of the car and helped me out.

I followed him inside and as soon as the hostess locked eyes with Ghost, we were quickly seated. She handed us our menus and told us our waiter would be with us in a few.

About five minutes later our waiter came to our table, "Hello my name is Anthony and I'll be your sever tonight. Can I get you anything to drink beautiful?"

Once he said that, I noticed Ghost from the corner of my eye. He started to clench his jaw and cut his eyes at Anthony. I hope he isn't mad about a little flirting cause we aren't even dating.

"She'll have lemonade and I'll have some water Ight thanks," Ghost rudely said glaring at the waiter.

The waiter gulped and looked nervous once he walked eyes with Ghost, before quickly muttering a "yes sir" and running off.

I felt bad for him but I didn't want to get an attitude with Ghost so I just stayed quiet. I glanced at him and he was on his phone looking at something, before putting it down on the table.

"So um what's good here? I've never been to restaurant fancier than a McDonald's." I joked trying to make the situation less awkward  , but he just stared at me blankly.
I hope you guys enjoyed this short quick chapter, we have another update coming soon 💛

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