Chpt 24

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*the next morning*

Milan's POV:

"Uggg who turned the sun on?" I groaned loudly as I rolled over in bed and clutched a pillow over my eyes.

"Rise and shine sleepy head! It's already 12 o'clock bitch, we gotta get ready." I heard Diamond say from somewhere in the room.

I just laid there hoping she would give me at least another hour. Sleep just sounded so heavenly right now considering the fact that we didn't get in until 5 something this morning. After the hookah lounge we had gone to the closest Waffle House, since Diamond claimed the dessert "just wasn't doing it for her".

But I'm not gonna lie it wasn't all bad, Zahir and I got a lot closer and I'm steady starting to feel him. Now don't assume nothing, we're not dating. We're just "feelin things out" as he put it. We have more of a situation/friendship than a relationship. Or as Diamond puts it "we're friends with benefits without all the benefits".

And on top of it all, ever since we've been hanging out, Diamond's been  getting some cute ass pictures of us that he even occasionally posts on his page and story. Some of them were of us in matching fits while others were of us playing around.

(Pictures of Zahir and Milan)^^^^^

My eyes slowly pry open as Diamond came over to the bed and started trying to drag me out of it. As the light from the sun hit my eyes, I flinched away and almost fell out the bed as Diamond lost her grip.

"Diamond! Let me sleep pleaseeeee. We don't even have to be at the club until like 10. Why are you waking me up so early?" I asked, complaining like a child who didn't want to wake up to catch the bus.

"Ahhh! Blasphemy! Just straight blasphemy!" She gasped pretending to be offended. "You need to wake up because we got a lot to do today miss sleepy head. First we HAVE to meet up with the girls for breakfast. Then me and you are going to go get our hair and nails slayed tf out of. Then of course we gotta come back and get our faces beat to the gods. Then lastly we gotta get dressed and arrive bad bitchably late. Thereforeeee we need all the time in the world SO GET UP!" She shouted putting heavy emphasis on her words.

"It's you and I." I mumbled, correcting her and only responding to one thing she said.

"What is?" She asked confused.

"You said 'me and you are going to go get our hair and nails slayed...' the correct sentence would've been 'you and I'." I finished staring at her as if she should've known that.

"So your too tired to get outta of bed but never to tired to correct my grammar huh?" She said rolling her eyes.

"Yessir, basically you make it too easy." I laughed as I stood up and stretched.

"Any whore... go get ready your wasting valuable time," She said as she dragged me off the bed and shoved me into the bathroom. "I'm not leaving until you come out of there showered, teeth brushed, and ready!" She shouted shoving an outfit into my hands.

"I so hate you," I mumbled, clearly lying.

"Yea, Yea. Hate you too liar now get ready." She said laughing and slamming the door shut in my face.

About thirty minutes later with several complaints of time slipping by from Diamond, I was dressed and sitting in the passenger seat of her car as we drove to Diamond's favorite salon.

"Mila, quit pouting we can go eat later." Diamond said poking my cheek as my pout set in deeper.

I couldn't help myself from pouting. She lied and said we'd be getting breakfast with the girls, but that was all a front to get me out of bed faster. There was no breakfast and she didn't let me grab anything to eat on the way out. Which meant that I was finna be starving until I either order something to eat at the club or after we left the club.

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