Chpt 21

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Milan's POV:

I woke up the next morning against my door and decided it was enough with my pity party. So I did what I always do when I need to get over a situation: pamper myself. Even when I didn't have much or any friends like Diamond, I still took care of myself with what I did have.

I took a shower and washed my hair with these Aunt Jackie products Diamond put me on to.

Walking out of the bathroom, I sat in front of the vanity Diamond had Xion put into my room and got to work.

I left my hair in it's naturally curly state, did a natural makeup look with this palette Diamond also told me to get.

Lastly I lotioned and spritzed up in the Bath & Body Works' Watermelon Lemonade set and then got dressed. I didn't do nothing much just a creme bucket hat with the dress and FILA's to match.

Once I was ready, I walked downstairs deciding that I'll make breakfast, but you won't believe what the fuck I walked in on.

I saw Ghost trifling ass with this random ass, ugly ass, no class havin ass thot. And guess what they were doing. He fucking had her stretched across the kitchen counter, that I specifically eat on, and was eating her dusty coochie out on it.

In that moment I didn't know if I should cry or beat both their asses. And yes I know he's not mine, but he knows good and darn well how I feel about him. And for him to pull some shit like this after yesterday, when he still hasn't apologized, is trifling.

I guess with the amount of time I was standing there, the girl finally noticed me.

Cause the bitch coughed and nodded my way, and as Ghost turned to look at me, I watched a smirk creep on to his face as he licked I don't even wanna say what off his lips.

I have never felt so humiliated in my life, and I've been in some pretty shitty situations. But that scene right there, oh that was the icing on the fucking cake.

"Did you need something?" He asked sarcastically as he leaned against the counter.

Not even responding to him I looked at the bitch who he had laying besides him, who had still yet to close her legs.

"Sweetheart, can you please close your legs? I can smell you from here." I said throwing daggers at her. If looks could kill this bitch would be twenty-five feet under right now. "Who even are you?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Ugh, she's so rude!" Ghost's random bitch of the day said as if I wasn't there, "Is she your girlfriend or sum?"

"You can asks your questions concerning me to me sis. He don't speak for me," I said sizing her up.

"Mane. What you even doing here?" He asked impatiently, rubbing her thigh to my dismay.

"I live here too in case you forgot. And you got some nerve to bring this bitch in here after everything I told you yesterday!" I yelled stepping to him.

And you know what that dick did? He laughed. He fucking laughed at me. "Bruh, what it take for yo thick headed self to understand ion want you. We ain't gone be together so miss me with them bullshit ass tears."

"Why do you keep denying me. I di-didn't ask for you to play me. I didn't even ask...I didn't ask to be chosen," I said as the tears I tried to hold back ran down my face.

"I didn't play yo dumb ass. That's where you got shit confused. I bought you for yo ass to do a job. I ain't do nun but tell you some Disney ass shit that you wanted to hear so I could get what I wanted. I ain't make you catch feelings blame that stupid organ inside you." He said rolling his eyes.

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