Chapter 27

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I felt her walls clench around my length, as she came, meaning and screaming my name. The way she moaned my name as she lost herself to me, and mid-stroke I busted as she collapsed into my arms out of breath.

I watched her boobs go up and down, as she tried to catch her breath, and left a kiss on each of them before thrusting into her one last time.

I pulled away, to her dismay, and trailed kisses and bites down her body, as she panted and blushed underneath me.

I was about to say something to her when I was cut off by the sound of a door slamming from downstairs. In less than a few seconds, Diamond's big ass mouth soon followed the noise.  "OHHH MILAN! DAVID? HELLOOOO! WHERE THE FUCK YA'LL AT?"

*Recap Over* (Heads up there will be several POV changes in this chapter and a slight twist in Milan's mindset)

Diamonds POV

I pulled back up to my brother's crib, almost two hours later and what do I come back to? A fucking locked door with no answer from anyone when I tried knocking. Like yeah I know I got a key, but what if I had bags in my hand or something?

"Ugh the absolute rudeness," I mumbled to myself, before taking the spare key out of my purse and unlocking the door.

  "OHHH MILAN! DAVID? HELLOOOO! WHERE THE FUCK YA'LL AT?" I screamed as the door went flying open into the wall.

"Damn, I hope I ain't dent shit or David's frugal ass gone have me paying to fix it." I muttered closing the door behind me, carefully this time, as I walked inside.

Hmm still no answer. I wonder where they asses went now. Let's see I wasn't gone long enough for either of them to kill the other and hide the body, so it couldn't be that. Then I wasn't gone long enough for Milan to just take an Uber home, because I even came back before the end of the time frame I have her.

So where the fuck could they be? I hope they didn't try to kill each other.

I sat down on the loveseat in the living room once I took my shoes off and took out my phone to call David.

Ring Ring Ring Ring

"Sorry but the number you have called has-,"  I didn't even bother to heard the rest of the message before hanging up, once I heard his phone ringing from upstairs.

"Noooo. Bruh say sike." I chuckled to myself not believing my thoughts, "They wouldn't do it again would they? Who am I kidding of course those horny bunnies would."

I can't believe it didn't even pop in my mind  that they could've been upstairs getting freaky. 

I swear this is like deja vu. I should've known they were upstairs. Because Milan and David alone for too long is a very unpredictable situation, it's either they're at a war or fucking each other's brains out.

"Ewww, ugggh." I faked gagged as I shuddered in disgust. The actual thought of my brother fucking one of my best friends disgusts me way more than I thought.

I quietly began heading up the stairs towards Milan's old room, where I last left her, and didn't even bother to knock.

But I'm not gonna lie, I've never loved and regretted a decision so much in my whole life. If you saw the way they scrambled once they heard the door slam you'd be on the floor.

I busted out laughing at them, cause man I don't even think I've seen rats scramble that fast.

*five minutes earlier*

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