Chpt 22

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Ghost's POV:

I don't know what's gotten into Milan's head but she needs to fix that shit. Bitch actually had the nerve to raise her voice at me.

Don't get me wrong she's sexy as hell, but that's all she is. She ain't nothing more than a lil girl, she's not fit for my lifestyle and I'm starting to realize that. That mouth of her's though be having me question my beliefs sometimes. A nigga don't never be knowing if she boutta try to light my ass or boo-hoo cry.

Man why can't she just be like the rest of these bitches I be messin with. They be just fine with being a quick fuck-and-dump, but not her she actually expects some outta me. I'm not ready to commit to nobody right now, and especially not her. I could but a nigga livin his life single as a motherfucker.

I get bitches and pussy one after the other with no problem, got no one to answer to, and shits peaceful. Why would I give that all up?

That's why I ain't pay her ass no mind when she ran outta here crying. What was I pose to do? Run after her crying ass and just leave some good ass pussy in here? Fuck I look like a bitch? So I did what I had to and I got mines. Yessir I got mines a good three-four times.

Of course I made sure my shit was wrapped up. I can't have no lil mini me's running around this bitch.

About an hour later, me and I think her name was Amber or sum shit, was gassin on the couch and ended up falling asleep.

Milan's Pov

While in Diamond's car she kept going on-and-on about her plan, but she excited her own self with her own damn plan. Now she just sound like a damn parrot on repeat with all her rambling. I mean I'll catch an occasional "oh yes" and "bitchhhhh" before she goes back to sounding like gibberish again.

Eventually Diamond stops at a red light and turns towards me. "Remember you're going to be staying at my house for a bit, so we are going to stop back at my idiot of a brother's house to get somethings. And yes I know I said I would go myself, but I didn't feel like doing a second trip."

All I did in response was nod, knowing that no matter what I said there's nothing to change her mind.

When we get back to Ghost's house I get out the car and stand there, instantly backing outta the plan. So Diamond of course had to give me a few "words of encouragement", which was really her thumping me until I started moving.

I walked with her to the front door and waited for her to unlock it, as she had a key too. As soon as she opened the door, all I smelt was weed and ass. Yuck, it was almost as if a fucking whore house died in here.

I shook my head and just followed behind Diamond towards my room to collect my things, when something caught my eye as we passed the living room.

I caught a glimpse of my neon green hoodie, which is very hard to miss or mistake as someone else's, and froze.

"These niggas really got me fucked up," I said catching Diamond's attention, causing her to follow my gaze onto the same hoodie she saw me buy.

"Oooh bitch I know she did not." She said already knowing I was mad.

"Bitch you see it to right. Like I know damn well my eyes are not playing fucking games. I know this bitch is not wearing my favorite fucking hoodie." I said, removing my hat and putting my hair into a ponytail.

At this point all I saw was red and I knew a bitch was about to get dragged. Don't take me for granted I might be small and quiet but I can fight.

Ghost's POV:

"Fucking stupid ass slut!"

Confused as hell, I woke up from my place on the couch and pulled out my 9. Just to realize I woke up to Milan's loud ass bitching about sumthing.

"Really nigga!" She shouted at me with tears running out her eyes. Oh Lord here we go again with them damn faucets of hers. "I leave for less than two hours and you got some bitch wearing my hoodie?"

Before I had the chance to open my mouth , Amber's ass did it for me and boy did she say all the wrong words. Even though they did hold some truth to them.

"Actually you broke bitch, you got probably got this hoodie with HIS money. So if anything it's his hoodie now. Which looks much better on me than you." She said smirking at the look on Milan's face. "Face it he don't want your ugly ass just like your parents." She laughed getting up in Milan's face.

I saw Diamond get ready to jump to Milan's defensive, but before she even could Milan threw her fist into the center of Amber's face.

Milan was throwing punches and kicks at Amber. A few never connecting, but those that did made contact with her face or ribs.

I just watched everything play out in front me of, as Diamond failed at trying to pull Milan off of Amber.

"You could help me you know. Since this is kinda your fault bruh!" Diamond shouted, glaring at me.

I just shrugged at her and chuckled at her.

I watched as Milan shoved Diamond off of her and kept blowing punches on Amber who wasn't moving no more. I didn't bother to step in until I saw her try to choke the girl. "Where's your big ass mouth at now huh you stupid bitch?" She screamed punctuating each word with a punch. "Scary ass bitch, I'm so tried of y'all bitches tryna walk over me."

I grabbed Milan by her waist and ripped her off Amber and ended up getting elbowed in the nose in the process. That's what I get for tryna keep these hoes blood off my shit. But ramming me in my shit was apparently a fucking enough to get her ass to calm down.

If my nose wasn't throbbing right now, I would've laughed at her pitiful attempts to apologize to and scream at me with that weak ass glare on her face.

In the midst of all this Diamond had managed to leave the room and come back with two bags and and ice pack. She handed me the ice pack before kneeing me in the region God only intended to be treated nicely. Then she grabbed Milan's hand in her empty one. and pulled her outside with her. Slamming my door behind them.

After she stormed out the second time I had a headache and nose pain worse than a bitch. Once Amber woke up, I gave her a stack to keep quiet bout what had happened and kicked her out. Shit I rather be down a stack then have 12 round my shit 24/7.

Milan's POV:

Diamond pulled me out the house and this time I let her. I was still so heated I could barely function. Once she got us both in the car, threw the bags full of some of my essentials in the back, and pulled off she started talking.

"Bitchhhh! That's my bitch! I didn't know you had that in you," she exclaimed laughing, "Somebody needa to beat her ass anyways. If you didn't it would've been me."

I chuckled at how excited she got over seeing me beat her own brother's random hoe's ass.

"I didn't know I had that in me either. I know how to fight and all, but that bitch triggered something evil." I muttered shaking my head.

"Well it's fine cause now we can officially start our plan, and soon you'll have my brother eating outta yo hand," she laughed high-fiving me.
😂 Mikan don't playyy she beat that asss but thank you guys so much for reading and we will have another chapter out soon 💛 ( p.s. we may go back and edit this chapter just a little, probably add some stuff .)

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