Chpt 20

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Chapter 20:

Realizing that it was probably time to stop pussyfooting around, I unlocked the house door with the key Ghost gave me and went in.

And of course to my very surprise, guess who's voice I could hear yelling at the tv all the way from my position at the door? Ghost's fine ass himself.


Milan's POV:
Following the sound of his voice, I made my way into the living room, and found myself peeking around the corner to see if I could spot him. To my luck, he was sitting right in the middle of the couch, with a red solo cup full of who knows what in his hand and the remote beside him.

Going unnoticed by him, I stood there for a second and just took in the view. It's funny how he can make something as simple as watching and yelling at the game seem so sexy. I felt kinda like a spy, trying to work up enough balls to just catch his attention.

"Is there a reason why you been starin at me since you walked in?" He asked without even taking his eyes off the tv.

I had gotten so lost in my staring, that his voice made me jump in shock and freeze in my spot. Out of embarrassment from being caught, I stood there silently not knowing what to say.

"Man go somewhere. I ain't with that stalking shit," He said turning the volume to the tv up.

Blushing, I muttered a "sorry" under my breath and walked over to the small sofa across from him and sat down. I still didn't know how to start the conversation I was contemplating, so I avoided making contact with him and began playing with my nails.

He glanced over at me with his brows raised questioningly, before placing his gaze back on the screen. "As much as I fuck with all the attention, is you finna answer my question?"

I stopped "examining"' my nails and looked at him in confusion, blushing already at the next question I was about to ask, "Sorry what was your question?"

This time his eyes remained on the screen when he asked, "Why you keep staring at me?"

I tense up slightly, scared of how he might take my next question, before calming down. "I was hoping I could you know talk to you," I mumbled.

"Talk then but quit that mumbling shit. A nigga can barely hear yo mouse ass and I'm not tryna decipher none," He said rudely, chuckling to himself.

"What was last night?" I blurted out, causing his laughing to stop.

"What was what?" He asked, never once making eye contact with me.

"Last night at Amir's house? What was that? Actually no what has these past couple of days been?" I asked gaining courage, "I mean the stares, flirting, and on top of that we had sex. Clearly it must be something."

He didn't respond to me, and I'm not gonna lie his silence started to bug me.

"David? Did you hear me? What was-"

"It's Ghost," He said cutting me off, "You call me Ghost. Only Diamond can call me anything but Ghost."

"Bu-but you told me at that dinner your name," I stuttered totally confused.

"I was fucked up-drunk as hell- whatever you wanna call it just like last night. It was nothing more than a one time thing. Don't get shit twisted bruh." He spat, locking eyes with me.

"Excuse you. David please that was more than a one time thing. If that was true, you wouldn't have brought me to Amir's, you wouldn't have been so possessive over me, and you wouldn't eye me like you did yesterday!" I shouted, standing up and getting in his face.

"Ion know who you keep thinking you talking to, but you gone respect me." He smacked his lips and rolled his eyes at me, before unlocking his phone.

I don't know why, but that little action of his just pissed me off. So I did the only thing I could think of, I snatched his phone out his hand. I could tell by the way his jaw clenched that what I did was probably the wrong move, but oh well. I was already in too deep.

"Liar. You know that night meant something to you. Is your pride really that fucking big to where you can't even admit you want me? Nigga please you act like somebody other than me gone hear yo ass!" I shouted tossing his phone somewhere behind me, "What's your problem? Huh? Mr. Ghost, is suddenly to scary and hard to admit he's got a crush? Please miss me with that shit."

I don't know what came over me, but there was something about his clear ignorance and rejection towards me that was pissing me off. Like why niggas gotta act like they can't catch feelings?

"Lil girl lower your fucking voice" he said a little to calmly, as he stood up. His jaw tightening, as his fists began clenching and unclenching at his sides.

"Make me lil boy," I said challenging him, which was probably the worst decision I could've done.

Before I could even process his movements, he gabbed my arm and slammed me against the wall, not enough to hurt me but enough to get my attention.

I could tell I had gone too far by the way his jaw had clenched, his teeth grinding together, and his fist now balled. "On foe nem, you needa watch your fucking mouth. You not bout to keep running yo loose ass lips thinking you can talk to me however you want." He said as his grin tightened around my arm, "Think I won't blow yo brains across this room till these walls stained red. And to top shit off, I won't regret a fucking thing."

In a matter of seconds, he had his 9 at my temple. "Don't fucking test me I will," he smirked, warning me to take his threat as anything more than a promise.

"Fuck you, David," I spat.

"You already have bitch," he smirked cockily as he leaned closer to my face.

At that moment, my mind was so clouded with anger I couldn't even form the words to say to him. Not wanting to be in his presence anymore, I ripped my arm out of his grip and stormed off up stairs.

As soon as I got into my "room", I slammed the door behind me, locked and sat in front of it. I can't believe he squared up on me as if I was some random nigga in the streets.

I debated on texting Diamond, because I really wasn't in the mood to hear her "I told you so" speech right now. Going with "no" I turned my phone off and leaned my head against the door.

I just don't know what happened back there. I've been approached way worse before, but with him I became some kinda scary ass bitch. And that's not me, I'm so heated at myself for letting him get to me.

I'm not a scary ass bitch, yea I might be shy sometimes, but scary? Hell nah. I mean I fucking let that nigga put a whole glock to my head and still stormed off like some kinda little girl. It's no wonder he calls me one.

Maybe she was right. Maybe his temper and views on dating are too much for me. But if that was so true, then why was I still thinking about him?

It's crazy that after everything he said to me and the way he approached me, that he's still on my mind.

I placed my head and my hands and sighed, "What am I gonna do?"
👀 looks like David's hiding his feelings or maybe he really doesn't have feelings for Milan . That you guys will find in the next chapter 💛💛💛

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