"what are you laughing at crackhead "

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Fuck, why does this stupid ass alarm have to remind me I have to get to hell soon.

I reach over and shut off that noise box. It's doesn't stop, are you kidding me. My finger angrily an repeatedly slams on the stupid off button but nothing. I groan throwing the blanket off of my body shivering at the loss of warm comfort. I stand In front of my night stand—now smashing my fist in the stupid alarm, it won't fucking stop. Fuck this stupid god damn thing. I clasp my alarm clock into my hands yanking it out of its place. The cord gets stuck so I yank harder, it finally comes out of the wall socket. Stumbling back some I look down at the old alarm clock in my hands. I shrug throwing it against my wall "die, die, die!" I chant when the alarm clock smashes into small pieces. I smirk in victory, die you stupid little shit.

Sighing I walk over to the huge pile of clothes in the corner in my room.

Yeah, yeah I'm a slob, what can I say.

I pick some semi clean clothes and go to the bathroom. I hop in the shower doing all the necessary things in order not to smell like a literal dumpster.

As I'm walking out my bathroom I bump into a wall and fall on my ass. Well, I thought it was a wall, till I look up and see my brother.

"hey bitch ass" I scoff

"hey fuck face" Carson replies, standing up I roll my eyes.

"Hey can you drive me to school my trucks in the shop?" He asked grabbing my wrist before I walked away.

"Yeah, sure" I go downstairs to see Mom yelling at the tv, I giggle at her short temper. She whips her head towards me sending me a playful glare.

"What you laughing at crack head." She playfully scowls.

I laugh even harder. You see me and mom are really close, same with Carson, ever since my dad just walked out, we've always been a very close trio.

We don't live with our dad he's—well a bum, he's never really been in mine and Carsons life. He and my mom dated for five years but never got married. He would sometimes lash out on her and throw things but she said he never once laid a finger on her. The day before he broke up my mom she found out she was pregnant with me and Carson. Her initial reaction was to tell dad but she couldn't find the heart to do so. He soon found out about eight and a half months into the pregnancy.

He ran even farther.

The day she gave birth she wasn't completely alone she had her parents there but she felt off the whole day and not because she was giving birth. Because after me and Carsons delivery my dad showed up and tried to take us away. My mom said she fought tooth and nail and successfully beat him. He was thrown in jail once again for suppose "kidnap" but later got released, once again.

From this day forward he's non stop trying to "kidnap" us, he says we're special and he needs us. Me and Carson are fully aware he's full of shit. Just wants us for either sex trafficking or to work with him for the drug cartel.

I wouldn't say my father is a very noble man, if anything he's a drunk. Gets caught up in bad shit, my mom has repeatably told him to stay away. As far as putting a full blown restraining order on him. We just moved so he dosent know where we live anymore, I hope. I used to live in a city named Toledo, Ohio but my mom got a great job offer for interior designer in New Jersey.

So thats we're I'm at now, did I mention I have a twin? Well yeah, Carson's my twin. We look nothing alike but act alike. We both share dark-sarcastic humors but he's more nicer, I just hate people in general.

I go to the kitchen and get some cereal, sit down and eat it, I get up and put the bowl in the sink, because I'm way to lazy to wash that and plus it's time to go to hell.

"Carson! Get your ass down here!" I literally shout with all my energy left in me. Then I hear my mom groan "Jesus fuck Rowan, be a little louder would you."

Laughing, I hear Carson come down the stairs wearing something damn near similar to me.

"Whats with the long face, you don't like my outfit?" He asks frowning, looking down at his choice of clothes.

I shake my head "no the outfits fine, but we're both wearing black, we're going to be the emo twins." He laughs going to the fridge grabbing a water bottle

"whatever, imma bout to get some tonight, so go to the spot for like an hour." I shake me head letting out a sigh. I hate how he just fucks girls left and right.

"yeah okay cars." I reply dryly.

I grab my bag, phone, keys. "bye ma, I love you have a good day." I call out to Mom.

"you to kids, and if someone talks shit to you what do you do." She yells back.

Me and Carson share a look. "We kick there ass because no one fucks with the Woods." We say at the same time.

She nods approving "good, you both finally listen to something"

Carson slaps his hand on his chest, gasping. "Dear mother I listen to you!"  She shakes her head grabbing a pillow throwing it at Carson hitting him square in the face "Ow!" He rubs his forehead-his lips turning into a deep frown. 

"Beat it you little shit." She turns back to the tv flicking through channels. I grin walking out the door and get into my black Jeep, I worked my ass off for by getting two unnecessary jobs but it was so worth it in the end.

On the way to school I hook my phone up to the aux to play the neighborhood. While Carson explains me how "sexy" and "feisty" his next conquest is.

Once I see the school insight I start getting anxiety, I have had really bad anxiety ever since I was little. So new people, new place, kinda scary for a gal like me.

I park into a empty space and sigh. I look over to Carson and we both say at the same time

"Let's get it over with."


I know the beginning is ass I promise it gets better I just don't want to jump right into things.
Wuv you

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