"damn gray if you wanted me you could of just asked"

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Me and Grayson ended up falling asleep while watching fast and furious and me constantly telling Grayson how sexy Paul walker is.

Right now I just woke up from my amazing and dream filled sleep. Grayson is lying on his back while my hand is on his chest and my leg is propped up on his waist. Kinda weird but I didn't want to move my leg Incase he woke up.

Just as I was about to move and get up I feel Grayson moving, thinking he's waking up but instead  I hear gray start to moan but his eyes are closed so he's still sleeping. "ohhh f-fuck Rowan, your so gooddd."

Holy shit he's have a wet dream about me! Oh my fucking god this is literal gold. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my laughs. "fuucckk row your so tight."

I look down and see his obvious boner. And let me tell you he is far from small.

Jesus christ Graysons got a big dick.

Not only is he fucking adorable and shy and a Virgin. He's got big dick energy too, woah, I think I found my fucking soul mate.

"Mmmm fuck row I'm going to cum so hard." I fucking loose it and start laughing my ass off. My laughing makes Grayson finally wake up and look at me weirdly considering I'm wheezing at this point.

"What are you laughing at." He asks groggily rubbing his eyes blinking.

My god his morning voice makes me wet, Jesus, this guy has me whipped with a mother fucking cherry on top.

"Oh I don't know maybe the fact that you were moaning and saying how tight I was and how you were going to cum soooo hard, or the fact you also have a fucking mountain sticking up right now." I smirk looking down. Gray furrows his eyebrows looking down, his cheeks instantly become a deep shade off red.

He hurries and grabs the comforter pulling it up to his neck. His fingers slightly sticking out.

He looks like a little boy in those scary movies who is scared of monsters in his closet so he pulls his blanket up to his face and his hands holding on to the edges.

His current position makes me mentally awe and start fucking with him.

"Damn gray if you wanted me so bad you could of just asked." He turns even more red but now his whole face— matching his fiery cheeks. He pulls the blanket up hiding his face in the blanket groaning. I chuckle and get out of bed stretching very dramatically and groan very loudly.

Grayson looks at me wide eyes I furrow my eyebrows asking him "what" he looks down and I realize I'm in a oversized Motley Crue T-shirt and navy blue lace thong.

Now it's my time to blush and pull my shirt down. He looks at me laughing pointing to my red face. I groan and walk over to him yanking the comforter off him laughing and pointing at his now even harder boner.

He stops laughing and yanks the comforter back up "hey not fair my boner is different than your embarrassment." He says in a baby voice, my face cringes at his baby voice.

"There's no way in hell were going to be friends if you start talking like a baby." I shake my head

He pouts "okay one, ill talk how I want your not my mom and two, can you turn around so I can go to bathroom and take care of gray bear."

I shake my head laughing but then realize what he said and laugh even more at the fact he has a name for his dick.

"Okay one, your right I'm not your mom I'm your daddy and two, you have a name for your dick I have names for my boobs." I shrug.

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