"Yes baby its me"

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[Grayson's POV]

I couldn't do it seeing Rowan getting stabbed but I had to keep screaming hoping an praying for him to stop.

I kept screaming, begging a pleading for him to stop but I heard what sounded like yells upstairs. And a flash of hope ran through my body hoping that someone was here to come get us and save us.

I glance over towards Rowan seeing her passed out from loosing to much blood.

The door busts open and a smaller guy came in running to Rowan's dad punching him square in the face, Rowan's father drops his knife but the knife fell by my feet.

Wow how convenient. I thought but I didn't have time to think.

I quickly sunk in my chair and reached my foot out trying to get the knife. After a couple tries I finally got the knife and slid it back to me, I put the knife In between my feet raising my feet and straining my neck out to be able to grab it with my mouth.

I rose my feet a little higher and was able to grab it in between my teeth. The cold metal sends shivers down my spine knowing that not seconds ago this was the knife that stabbed my precious Rowan. 

My attention was brought back to a load boom in the air, my ears start ringing sending shocks through my head. I look over and see the once skinny living boy now dead on the floor and her dad holding a gun.

My eyes widened at the sight so I quickly drop the knife in my lap and spread my legs so the knife would go in between my thighs to hide from her dad.

"Little fucking bastard damn near broke my fucking nose." He growls wiping the blood from his nose.

He turns around from the lifeless body examining Rowan. "God damnit this little bitch better not be dead yet." He says through gritted teeth, going over to Rowan smacking her face lightly. He let out a throaty grunt and walks out the room slamming the door, I slightly flinched from the large bang but quickly dropped the knife to my feet again, redoing the whole process once again.

Once I get the knife back on my lap I slightly shake my thigh to get the knife closer to my hand behind my back.

The ropes on my wrist make it hard to move my hands but I put all the energy left in me and shake my thigh lightly once again.

My finger tips were able to reach the top of the knife. I quickly but carefully take the knife into my finger tips. pushing the knife slightly in my side for me to be able to grab it.

I finally get ahold of the knife and started cutting away at the ropes on my wrists.

When I was free from the ropes on my wrist. I quickly stand up and run over to Rowan, going behind her back cutting the ropes off her wrists but from her body being limp she started leaning forward about to fall out the chair. Before she could I grab her across her shoulders pressing my forearm on her collarbone.

I gently set her back against the cold metal chair, squatting down to see her face clearer.

My hands snack up to her face embracing her cheeks in my hands. "Rowan, row wake up princess, please wake up." I lightly patted the side of her left cheek. "Please row please wake up."

After a few minutes she starts groaning, her eyes flutter open scanning the room. Hot tears run down my face. "Gray?" She asks groggily.

"yes baby it's me." I stand up taking my shirt off ripping of ripping into different pieces to tie around her stab wounds. "Okay love, I need you to work with me ok." I say softly to her, she nods looking at me.

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