"Game on my pumpkin, game on"

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"Hey Toddy." I greeted smiling.

"Hi Rowan." He smiled back.

"What you doing?" I asked sitting in the spinner chair in the guest room.

He shrugged "catching up on some homework, never in a million years would I thought I would have to mentally prepare my brain for this. I mean what the fuck is pie, like I thought it was food not a fucking long useless equation." He rambles releasing a annoyed sigh.

I chuckle nodding "your done for, took me all middle school to comprehend how to do division. So many fucking steps, really screwed me up."

He groans falling back on to the white plush pillows "I wish I could pay someone to do this. Why are you making me do this again?" He questions sitting back up.

"Because Toddy, you were gone for quite some time. Plus it will be easier in class and for tests if you try to understand it by doing it yourself." I argue.

It's been a solid week since I got Toddy out of that place. For the first few days he was completely mute. Then one day I woke up to him not shutting the hell up, he was and is a complete motor mouth. I knew Toddy was energetic and on full battery before but now the kid doesn't know what it is to close you mouth and keep quiet. The few days he wasn't talking I wished nothing more than for him to utter a word to me. Now, I want nothing more than for him to shut the fuck up.

"Whatever." He mutters rolling his eyes.

I grin standing up walking over to him "if you do math for one more hour you can have a break, maybe I'll be nice and give you some candy." I tease ruffling his black locks.

"Out." He grunts swatting at my hands. I chuckle walking out his room to downstairs.

"Hey Joey." I teased sitting next to him on the couch.

He glares at me before returning to cuddling my mother. I shrugged grabbing the tv remote— flicking through multiple channels. Probably should explain about the whole Joey cuddling my mother. Apparently since that whole ordeal with Joseph and his men coming in an tying up my mother and brother up down in the basement they hit it off.

I'm happy for them, I don't think there dating just taking things slow and figuring each other out. I had know clue they were fraternizing with each other until I walked into the living room after school with them making out on our couch. I remember holding the urge to gag and squeal. Ma has told me Joseph's never been married and doesn't have any children. Explains why he's all cozy with my mom, but besides that I've gotten a lot closer with Joseph since I found out. Even Carson's getting along with him, feels weird though. Me and cars have never really had a father figure and now it feels like it's a normal thing to have another male in the house.

Granted it's only been a week of me finding this all out it still feels like a long time. Besides that I'm happy for them; there good for each other. I never would of thought I would see the day Joseph smiled or showed any real affection but my mom brings it out of him. They are like teenagers in a love sick romance. Again I don't know if I should gag or squeal, my inner girl wants to jump up and down clapping and then my inner boy wants to yell 'gross' and gag. I'm like a
He-she but with a vagina and tits.

"How's Toddy?" Mom asks resting her cheek on Joseph's chest.

I shrug "he's fine, still won't shut the hell up though."

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