" yeah my anxiety is so bad its flying out of my ass right now"

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I get out of the car and start walking up to school with Carson. Keep in mind we're both wearing black clothing, so we kinda do look like the badass twins.

Don't get me wrong I'm so down to always be called badass, so maybe this isn't as bad.

As me and cars walk down the hall theres stares and whispers, Carson leans down to me and whispers. "Is your anxiety as bad as mine right now?"

Nodding my head I whisper back "yeah, my anxiety's so bad it's flying out of my ass." Carson barks out a laugh while a smile tugs at my lips

After our very dreadful and anxious walk to the office, we get our schedules. The lady at the desk seizes us up blinking before turning her attention back to her computer. "Okay, considering you two are new I'm going to have two students show you around." I mumble a thank you while going to sitting down.

Carson and I wait in the chairs provided in the office for about five minuets arguing about how I think the paint in the office is horrid while he things it's complements the whole depressing feel in here. Our bickering is interrupted with the large wooden door to the office making a painful creak. Carson and I turn our attention to the door instead of horrid paint choices.

Right then and there I stopped breathing, holy shit who is he? A boy- I mean man walks in with a blonde bimbo. He carry's a positive aura, a small smile playing along his lips. The blond chick carry's a very cheerful aura—I hold the urge to roll my eyes while I seize up the very good looking man. Id say about 6'0, brown hair, hazel eyes, a sun kissed tan and from the looks of it a very sculpted six pack.

The boy walks up to me and the girl walks up to my brother, I still can't breath, my lungs have disappeared from my body. I look at the ground to hide me from most likely embarrassing myself until I hear a deep husky voice.

"Hey, I'm Grayson I'll be showing you around today." I look up to see him towering over me but not In a scary way more like a friendly way.

I sheepishly smile "o-okay" fuck, why did I just have to stutter.

He chuckles lightly "alright, let's go." I get my bag and phone standing up. I see that I'm so much shorter then him.

Hmm tall guy, kinda hot.

I look over at Carson and see he is completely goo goo eyes for this blonde chick.

I booty bump him and he looks over at me before repeating my actions making me fall over.

Grayson squats down over to me. "oh my god, are you ok." He says Frantically, I make eye contact with him, taking in sharp breath. His eyes hold worry and concern. I hear someone laughing and break my gaze away from Grayson moving my eyes over to my brother laughing, clutching his knees. A smile breaks across my face before I start laughing to.

As me and cars are laughing, the blond chick and Grayson give us weird looks but then start laughing as hard as us.

Finally sobering up as well as the others I stand up dusting over the invisible dust off my clothes. I walk over to Carson doing our handshake, that ends with us flipping each other off.

"Alright, pretty boy let's go adventure this school!" I grab his hand and start running towards the halls.

Once we get to the halls Grayson lightly tugs my arm back "woah, we can't run in the halls" He whisper shouts.

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