"Lets fucking date"

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[Grayson's POV]

What.the.fuck. Im so confused why Rowan was being so mean to me. What did I do? One minute she was all funny and being sweet and the minute I leave and come back she's crying. Witch she has never done in front of me then she's telling me to get out.

I haven't left the hospital yet I'm in the waiting room trying to wrap my brain around what the fuck just happen.

I did nothing to her, I can't leave when she's crying, something's bothering her and I'm not leaving till I find out—even if she yells, hits me, I don't care I like this girl to much to just walk away.

I get up from the chair wiping my tears away, headed to room 277, Rowan's room. I look in the window from outside her room, seeing her crying with her head in her hands.

God damnit Rowan your breaking me and you don't even know it.

I grab the door knob twisting it open, barging in. She looks up shocked and surprised to see me. "Get out." She says softly covering her face from me.

"No" I shake my head.

She looks up, her eyes looks so broken, her chin quivering, trying to hold back her tears. "Oh Row." I run over to her taking her in my arms. She try's to push me away but my grip is to strong.

"Please stop." Her voice barley above a whisper, her small body trembling in my hold.

"Rowan I'm not leaving I don't care if you hit me, yell at me I don't care, because god damnit Rowan I like you to much to walk away from you. Your like heroine to me so fucking additive and I need more and more." She takes her hands of her face, eyes red and cheeks stain with tears.

"You don't." She says, I furrowing my eyebrows.

"What?" I ask looking down at her, pushing her hair away from her face.

"You don't like me gray you like that you have a friend for once."

Okay I'll admit that one stung but I know she's just trying to push me away, I'm not going away no matter what she says.

"You wrong Rowan I like you so much more than a fucking friend you've shown me what happiness is again. What it's like to be free and alive and not shy away from what life has to offer." I say looking at her beautiful hazel eyes, I take the pad of my thump and wipe her tears away.

"Gray I-I can't." She says breaking eye contact.

"What do you mean, love." I say softly, I really hope she doesn't means she doesn't like me back.

"God damnit gray I can't like you back because you in danger, I already fucked up once I'm not doing it again." She scolds.

I'm so confused at this point, the actual hell is she talking about.

I think she caught on my confused face because she continues. "I like you Grayson, a lot and I'm scared because of how much I like you but there coming... I'm not risking your life again you need to stay away from me." She starts to cry again. I'm not leaving her I can't, she just said she liked me back Im not leaving this girl.

"I'm not leaving, I'm not going anywhere Row you're my first priority now. If they do come you can teach me how to fight, how to use a gun you can teach me Rowan please don't give up on us not now or ever, please baby." I say my voice cracking towards the end.

"Gary I-"

I cut her off. "No Rowan you can teach me how to fight if they do come and take me then I know what I'm doing or if they take you I can save you." I argue.

She looks up at me making eye contact, she takes a deep breathe. "ok" she says softly.

"Really Row your not going to push me away I need you to promise me please." At this point I'm begging for her. I may seem like a little bitch begging for a girl but Rowan's not just a girl in my eyes she's everything I need and want. Her personality is to die for, her looks. Hell, even the way she walks and talks, everything about her is breathtaking to me.

"I promise gray, I get out tomorrow, we'll start tomorrow, I have a bunching bag in the basement of my house as well and other fighting equipment, I won't give up on us but I need you to promise me that you'll listen to me if something dose end up going down."

I start nodding my head up and down quickly "that's great Rowan but I'm not go-"

she cuts me off "no Grayson if you want me to teach you how to fight and defend yourself then I need to listen to me if something goes down." I already know her stubborn ass won't have it other anyway so I just nod.

I pull her in my arms wrapping her in a huge hug, kissing the top of her head. She wraps her small arms around my waist resting her head on my chest.

All I want to do is see her smile and be happy again so I try to lift the sad air.

"So is this where we fuck raw?" She looks at me shocked and starts laughing. I just look down at her feeling my smile widen from seeing her laugh again. When you like someone with so much passion all you want to do is make them happy or see them smile.

"Your damn right." She says starting to untie her hospital gown. My eyes widen from her action not really expecting her to take what I said to heart.

"R-Row I was j-joking" I stutter blushing.

She just starts laughing and falls down on the hospital bed holding her stomach laughing.

"Jesus Christ gray so was I, you should of seen your face, priceless." She says wiping her non existent tears from her eyes.

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms acting mad. "Awe poor baby soon you can fuck me raw." She says pinching my cheeks. I turn red and my eyes widen finally realizing what she just said.

I look down feeling slightly weird because no one is ever so blunt with me like Rowan is.

"Gayson I'm kiddding." She sings, dragging out the d in kidding. But then I realize she called me gayson instead of Grayson.

"Did you call me gayson?" I ask in a hurt voice.

"You damn right I did." She says confidently, I shake my head chuckling.

Then a very good question pops in my mind what are me and Rowan? Like are we dating or friends with an extra kick.

"Hey Row, What are we?" I ask kinda shy, scared of what she's going to say.

"Well what do you want us to be." She says raising an eyebrow.

God damnit I know what she's doing she's trying to make me all shy and nervous and it's fucking working.

"Uh well I like you and you like me let's be a happy fucking family." I say joking around but also being semi serious.

"Okay barney." She snickers. "You got two options, one, we can date or two, we can stay in this weird friends with benefits thing minus the sex."

"W-well I I-uh would like to d-date you please." I say all fucking nervous and shy. I swear this girl makes me feel like a little bitch.

"Did you just say please." She asks chuckling. I don't really know what to say and I think she catches on to my nervous mind state. She grabs my hands and says "let's fucking date."

I look up smiling widely. "Let's fucking date."

She grabs my face and kissing me bringing me to cloud nine. I kiss back, grabbing her waist with one hand and cupping her cheek with my other hand.

Feeling her soft plump lips against mine makes me smile in the kiss. She smiles back and pulls away resting her forehead against mine. "I fuck with you Grayson." She whispers

I grin "I fuck with you to Rowan." I say giving her a peck on the lips. She pulls me down to the bed with her.

I wrap my arms around her waist, putting my face in the crook of her neck and not much later, me and Rowan are sound asleep cuddling on a tiny ass hospital bed.

Can't wait to have a sore neck.


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