"He's fucking hot Rowan

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[Rowan's POV]

"Faster! Harder, cmon gray!" I encourage.

"Left, right, left, right!" I yell even more trying to get Grayson to go harder. He's doing pretty good with this whole fighting thing, this is our third session of fighting and it's really paying off.

"Okay good take 5."  I say grabbing a water bottle and chucking it to him.

He catches it taking a few gulps. "Was that good?" He asks like a little kid. Chuckling, I walk up to him pecking his lips quickly.

"Yes your getting good, but I want great. I'm going to have focus mitts on and your going to have knuckle tape on. Your basically going punch at my hands but that's what the focus mitts are for." I say going over to the self of boxing equipment.

Grabbing jump rope, knuckle tape and focus mitts I walk back to Grayson. "Alright I want you to jump rope for 5, if you mess up im starting the time over got it?" I hand him the jump rope.

Nodding his head he takes the jump rope while I sit on the couch starting the timer. "Go." The second I click the timer he starts jumping. He's  going to fast, I know for a fact he's going to tire himself out as well as mess up.

Almost dead on with my thoughts he trips over the rope landing on his ass. Stopping the time I get up to help him.

"Cmon Gray." I reach my hand out, pulling him up. He sends me a embarrassment small smile as a thank you.

"Alright I'm starting the time over again but this time pace yourself. It's always about pacing yourself don't go full speed, work your way up." I say sternly handing him the jump rope again.

Sitting down on the couch once again, grabbing the timer. I look up at Grayson giving him a nod of the head as a go. He starts to jump rope again. Now pacing himself he has thirty second to go. "30 seconds gray go faster, now." I say encouraging him to push himself for the remaining seconds.

Beep beep beep

The timer goes of signaling his time was up. "Good job gray, we'll be done for today because you look pretty worn out." I get up to put the equipment away.

"Hey ro-" Grayson gets interrupted with heavy footsteps running down the stairs. Turning around furrowing my eyebrows as well as Grayson we both look over to the stairs.

I hear a fuck ton of deep voices screaming Rowan. Knowing exactly who those yells belong to. I rush over to the straits to see non other than my four cousins.

"Boys!" I yell running over to them to a group hug. To being lifted of my feet by a fuck ton of hormonal boys. After they put me down I give them each an individual hug starting with Jay, Joe, Trent and Cody.

"Holy Fuck, what are you guys doing here." I say once we did our very needed reunion.

"Well Amy wanted to see mom so we decided to tag along." Trent says ruffling my hair.

"Yeah hows our baby cuz doing." Joe bumps shoulders with me.

I grin "I'm doing good guys, how about you?" I ask looking for there reply's. 

"Could be better."


"Great now that your here."


All four boys replied at the same time. I'm so happy to seem them. You see I have four boy cousins that I grew up with, my whole childhood was based off of them everyday. I would hang out with them daily, Trent and Cody are both twins as well as Jay and Joe. Trent and Cody are my age but a couple months older. Jay and Joe are twenty so were pretty close in age.

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