"unfortunately i'm Rowan"

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[Rowans POV]

I head back to my spot because Carson texted me saying he was getting it on at home with some slut he found at school.

Like come the fuck on Carson, the second day you already getting ass. I mean whatever, he's eighteen he can fuck whoever he wants.

As I'm walking through the woods to my spot I can't help but think about Grayson. I mean I kinda feel bad for being such a bitch to his brother today but he was all up in my bubble like back.the.fuck.away. His brothers such a prick but Grayson, Grayson is something else, he's so sweet. He's like a big warm cozy bear.

His shyness makes me melt, I've never met a boy with such good looks be so shy, and a virgin, like come on that's the whole package. When I'm around him I get this warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach and I feel comfortable around him yet nervous.

I get a text from cars and open it up.

Carson- I just busted my nut you can come home now.

Rowan- that's fucking gross but ok.

Carson- it's not gross it's pleasing.

Rowan- cars if you don't shut the fuck up I'll take your sack rip it off and feed it to you.


I left him on read and started walking back to car still having Grayson stuck on my mind.

I woke up feeling like complete and utter shit. I groan feeling the cold wood floor on my feet making me feel even worse. I go to the very large pile of clothes in the corner in my room pulling out a leather skirt, my leather jacket and a band tee.

I through that shit on, going to the bathroom putting my hair in a messy bun because I could care less about the nest on my head they call hair. Brushed my teeth and put on mascara and left it as that.

Once I reach downstairs I hear Carson and my mom arguing about how he had a girl here last night.

"Carson what the hell is wrong with you" she scowls glaring at him.

He rolls his eyes crossing his arms. "mom it's not a big deal ok, jeez, cool your tits"

Moms face burns with anger before grabbing him by his collar pushing him against the fridge. "Tell me to cool my tits one more time or god help me I will rip your small dick off myself and make you fucking eat it!" She snaps harshly.

I found this so entertaining because my mom does not take shit from no one not even her own kids. Considering Carson had the balls to speak to mom like that was like watching reruns of Jersey Shore.

"Okay, okay mom chill, I'm sorry I didn't mean to talk back and I'm sorry for having sex in this house." Carson panics trying to push moms hands away.

She huffs letting him go "cut the bullshit your not sorry thats why your fucking bitches left and right Carson. Grow some balls and have some respect for women because if I find out your still going around fucking theses sluts I will fucking break you."

Some people would say my mom was just being dramatic about the whole situation, but she has told him time and time again to stop with the fuck-boy-ness. All he's done is go behind her back. Witch is one thing my mom hates is—liars.

"Okay well I have to go to school now... bye mama I love you bunches and Carson you can walk to school for making mama upset." I warily walk up to mom giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. I turn my attention towards Carson flipping him off while walking to the door to put on my all black doc martins.

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