"Game over father"

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I sigh putting the car into park, looking over I see Grayson curled up into a fetal position. Toddy and Carson are in the same spot they were when they fell asleep. "Grayson," I whisper shaking his shoulder lightly. He groans shifting.

Plan B then.

Reaching over to the radio I click a random station, it lightly buzzes through the car but I take the volume cranking it up to its highest. A unknown song beats through my Jeep.

Grayson jumps up hitting his head on the roof of the car, he groans rubbing his head. I hear two more groans from my behind. Looking over my shoulder I see the other two boys rubbing there head. Dumb asses all hit there heads. I laugh shaking my head. "Where here boys," I announce.

The anxiety kicks in immediately, the tightness in my chest makes my breathing stagger. Inhaling and exhaling I cutting of the engine. Here goes nothing, opening my door I hop up closing the door quietly. I hear the boys get out following me—closing there doors with the same gentleness.

Seconds later the men pull up, parking behind my car. They all file out looking insanely ready. Me on the other hand, I'm scared. I'll admit it, I'm scared shitless as to what the outcome could be. We'll we be able to get them out with out safely? Are they okay? Today's the day I end my fathers life once and for all but I need him to come at me first Incase cops get involved. I simply tell them it was self defense and I tell them a pity story. Hopefully it's just that simple.

"Okay, you guys ready." I whisper turning behind me. They nod clutching onto there choice of weapons. There's several men all around the worn done building scoping out the place. I feel silly using a walkie talkie but Thomas insisted we use it for precautions. Taking a deep breath I grab the door knob slowing opening the door.

I gasp seeing Joseph and mom tied up back to back in the center of the old run down room. Cold air bites at my skin, goosebumps rise on my skin from the air and from fear. There heads hang low, so I can't properly see there faces. I gulp setting foot fully into the building. I scan my surroundings before racing over to them quickly. I first go to my mom, her hairs bunched up and dirty. My shaking hand reaches up to look at her face. A silent gasp escaped my lips again, her eye has a dark purple bruise, her lip is cut and chapped. I shake my head lightly tapping her cheek. "Momma." I whisper smacking her with slight more pressure. She groans shifting uncomfortably in her chair. Her eyes crack open the slightest. Looking up slightly I know she sees me because her eyes widen, her eyes hold relief.

"Rowan." She croaks out. "Oh my god Rowan." She smiles at me. I bite my lip from the tears threatening to fall. I nod reaching for my pocket knife in my boot. Bending down I cut her ropes quickly. I stand up motioning for one of the men to take mom. "Take her back to the van, Joseph as well." I order kissing mom on her cheek. She looks confused but follows the man wordlessly. I look over to where Joseph was at, the chairs empty. They must have had the same idea as me. I take a breath of relief knowing we came for what we wanted but my mission Isn't complete yet. My palms turn sweaty, my heart rate picks up thumping throat my ribs.

I look around for a door or a set of stairs, to the far corner I see a single door. Gripping my gun tightly I walk over there with three men following my actions. I had informed the men of what I was planning on doing other than saving my loved ones. They agreed saying they would help so here I am, in front of the door, my hand inching to the door knob.

Here goes nothing.

Turning the knob I open the door ajar peaking in. I see two men passed out with needles in there arms and beer cans scattered but I don't see my father anywhere. I open the door more for me to step in, but before taking another step I feel a pressure to the side of my head. My ears ring, the throbbing going through my head is numb and painfully at the same time.

My knees give out feeling yet another pressure to my jaw. I hit the cold tile gasping for air. My lungs scream for air as my head bounds. I hear muffled grunts and groans but my heads fuzzy and my eyes are blurry. I squeeze my eyes shut shaking my head to rid of the feeling. I groan lifting myself up by my palms. I hear a loud boom erupt through the small room. Panic and fear settle into the pit of my stomach. The pain I once feel is now vanished in seconds. Standing up on my two feet I look around frantically looking for a dead body.

My eyes widen when I see my father holding a gun, Grayson lying on the cold cement. He shot him... I feel my anger rise and the blood pumps through my veins. The three men that followed me are lying dead on the floor next to Grayson. I turn my head slowly to my father. A wicked smirk plastered on his face... he's satisfied.

A inhuman growl erupts from my throat. I lunge at my father slamming him into the wall behind the door. My fists come in contact with his face, and body multiple times. I scream throwing my all into my punches. I feel like a monster but the pleasure I feel beating him to nothing is pure bliss.

I scream taking my knife stabbing him several times all over. "I fucking hate you!" I scream stabbing my knife straight into his neck. He's eyes are wide and blood runs down my hand and his neck. He starts coughing and blood pools out his mouth. My chest heaves up and down. Letting go of the knife it stay in the side of his neck.

He immediately falls to the ground choking on his own blood. I peer down soaking up everything, I killed him.... it's over.

He looks at me with regret.... and sadness.

Bending down I look him dead in the eye. "Game over father." I whisper, tears run down his cheeks. I stare at him blankly. I finally won..

Police sirens fill the air but my focus is on my now dead father. I hear shouting and my body is pulled away from him but my eyes stay locked on what I can still see. I take one last glance before closing my eye allowing the person to drag me away. Tears now run down my face, it's over.

My mind is clouded with memories of what he did to me but this aching feeling in my chest confuses me. Why don't I feel relieved or happy. I feel empty, numb even.

The person places me somewhere but my thoughts and memories are getting the best of me. Everything I've done has led up this moment and I feel fucking guilty because I did something about it?

Maybe it's not over....

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