"But I want to three way spoon more"

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Rowan's POV

"Rowan stop moving" Grayson groans in my ear.

"I'm not moving" I mumble into the pillow.

"Somethings touching my butt." He moves closer to me pushing me closer to the edge of the bed.

"You're going to push my off the bed." I grumble moving closer into his chest.

"Guys stop talking I'm trying to sleep." A unknown voice speaks.

Realization sets in and both me and Grayson sit up. I sit up so fast I fall of the bed, yelping in surprise.

"Ethan what the fuck are you doing in my bed." Grayson yells.

"Urg gray, shut the hell up" I groan rubbing my head.

I lazily get on up..or crawl onto the the bed snuggling into the fuzzy blankets and pillows. I sigh in content a small smile tugging on my lips.

"Okay Ethan, please tell me why your in my bed?" Grayson asks again but quieter.

"I had a nightmare and remember when we were little we would go to each others beds if we got scared well I did, plus I felt left out." Ethan whines shuffling deeper into the bed.

Grayson sighs smacking his forehead "Ethan were eighteen and plus this is Rowan's and mines bed." He gestures his hand between me and him.

I gasp "awe you think it's our bed" I lift my self of kissing his neck.

He brings his hand up embracing my check, his thump softly rubbing it. "Of course it's our bed."

I lean in quickly pecking his lips before laying back down watching Ethan and Grayson go at it..not sexual. Why would I think such a thing, I shudder closing my eyes trying to get that image out off my mind. I open them back up to watch them continue to argue.

Ethan shrugs "that's why I laid on your side, and I seen Rowan kick the air when I walked in, got kinda scared."

My laughter echos throughout, Grayson and Ethan look at me making faces at me while I continue to laugh. Personally it's not that funny but when Ethan said that I made a mental image of me sleeping kicking the air, in my head it was pretty damn funny.

Grayson waves of my bizarre act. "Okay well it's-" he reaches over me to grab his phone to looking at the time. I reach my hand up pinching his nipple he yelps falling on me.

"Ugh Gray, off." I strain pushing at his chest.

"You pinched my nipple." He states matter of factly.

I nod grinning " well, it was just in my vision I had to give it a quick pinch" I put my thump and index finger together, pinching the air.

He shakes his head reaching over again for his phone. I grin taking both my fingers pinching both his nipples.

"Ow!" He hisses pulling back with his phone in hand. He pouts rubbing his nipples.

I smile innocently "again, in my vision."

He rolls his eyes but the smile tugging at the corner of his lip docent go unnoticed. "-its five, thirty am Ethan go to your room." Grayson points to the door.

Ethan's pouts "but I want to three way spoon more." He whines.

I chuckle softly into the pillow, Grayson shoots me a glare before turning his attention back to Ethan.

"Yeah Grayson lets continue this three way spooning." I encourage

He narrows his eyes at me "no your my girlfriend and plus you hate Ethan anyways." He shrugs.

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