" I don't get embarrassed but when I embarrass you it's adorable"

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[Grayson's POV]

I get out of the car and walk up to my door turning back smiling towards Rowan. Seeing her smile back makes feel all Giddy inside, I turn back around and open my house door.

Once I get inside my house I see my twin brother Ethan, on the couch damn near fucking his girlfriend Lea. I scrunch my face up in disgust. "you know E, you have a bedroom for a reason" I groan trying to hold back the gag threatening to come out.

They both quickly glance at me before continuing what they were doing. I roll my eyes—going upstairs to my room.

Once I get to room I sigh and change out my clothes into some sweats and hoodie. Once I'm done I plop on my bed having one thing, more like one person not leaving my mind.


There's just something about her that I'm drawn to. I don't know maybe because she is so blunt and easy going that I can't help but seem completely comfortable around her but also completely nervous.

I mean how could you not get nervous around her. She's drop dead gorgeous. The way her hair lays and the way her soft lips look. I start to feel myself smiling like a idiot and wanting to continue thinking about her till my jackass of a brother intrudes my thoughts.

"What's got you smiling so much, finally get some pussy?" He leans against the door

I scoff rolling my eyes. "Not that that's any of your business, but no I just had a good day." I say, getting up out my bed to walk over to him.

He tsk shaking his head "what a shame, maybe if you got head you would finally start being less of a nerd." He snickers.

"fuck off Ethan" I sigh shutting and locking my door before he could say anything else.

Maybe I should start explaining what he meant by nerd. Well he's right, I'm smart and don't really talk to and or fuck girls like he does, I guess you could call Ethan the fuckboy while I'm the shy quiet twin.

Kinda sucks how everyone worships the ground E walks on but me, I'm a laughing stock to the whole school.

Doesn't really bother me just gets old from time to time. But now that Rowan seemed to befriend me, maybe I'll have someone to talk to and finally have a friend.

I know what your thinking why don't you have friends—well I just am not a social guy, I guess I never have been. Ethan party's and fucks girls left and right considering he's on his fourteenth girlfriend this month.

But me I'd rather stay home and watch movies and chill. But I have a gut feeling Rowan is going to change me a lot, in all honesty I'm down, she's like the light I've been needed in my dull life. As cheesy as that sounds.

I turn my lights off and go to bed because I'm tired as shit, even though it's five pm now I'll most likely end up sleeping the whole night so that's what I'm doing. Taking my ass to bed.

I wake up at 6 am, kinda shocked I ended up sleeping for so long but hey, I'm not complaining at least I'll stay awake for school.

I get up get dressed in black ripped jeans, white T-shirt and my white low cut converse. Brush my teeth and spray some cologne. I head down stairs going to the pantry to find something to eat. I end up finding a most likely expired breakfast bar thing, as I'm eating I hear a honk outside.

Being curious I open the door and see Rowan's black Jeep with her waving her hands smiling like crazy. "get in sexy boy, it's time to go to hell" she yells. I shake my head laughing grabbing my bag—running to her car.

Once I get in I grin looking at her "morning woods" she looks at me with a slight tint of pink on her cheek.

"hey lover boy, ready to get to the dooms of hell" she says wiggling her eyebrows. I bark out a hearty laugh while putting on my seat belt.

"No, but I don't think I really have a choice do I?" I ask looking over to her.

"I mean yeah you do, but we both have to go if we don't want our parents up our ass for skipping, again." She says proving a very good point.

Once we get to school people automatically look at me and Rowan. Giving us—more likely me weird looks considering I'm actually hanging out with someone or the fact that Rowan is new.

Walking down the hallway was even more annoying, like come on people don't you have something better to do than stare at me and Rowan. I roll my eyes continuing to walk to my locker with Rowan right by my side. "hey daddy, what's your first class?" I hear Rowan ask, I look down at her because she's a good 5'5.

Hmm she's short kinda hot.

I make eye contact with her, kinda stunned by her use of words, I feel the apple of my cheeks starts to burn. Of course I have to turn red. I mentally slap myself because I know she's about to laugh at me.

As if on cue I hear her energetic laugh fill my ears, I feel the corner of my mouth twitch into a small smile.

"I have science first what about you babygirl." I smirk playing along.

She looks at me then laughs shaking her head "I can only call you names baby, you can't, then it's just weird."

I gasp putting my hand on my chest. "that's not fair I need you to feel embarrassed for once."

She turns around from her locker putting her hands on my shoulders sending shivers down my spine and butterflies erupt in my stomach from her touch.

I can help but feel a strong liking towards her. But I'm ripped out my thoughts from her soothing voice
"I don't get embarrassed I embarrass you, because when you get embarrassed it's adorable." She pats my cheeks lightly.

My stomach swarms with butterflies from her use of words for me. I blush nodding "whatever makes you happy row."

She takes her hands off my shoulders. I frown from the lose of her touch to her ruffling my hair saying. "good, glad we got my needs under control."

Before I can answer her, my fucking brother comes beside me smirking "so this is the girl that seems to be the talk of the school"

she turns around from me to him raising an eyebrow. "you fucking bet but don't ware my name out." He chuckles biteing his lip attempting to look "sexy"

"you know, your confidence is very hot" he whispers seductively—backing her up to the lockers. She hits her back on the lockers and he starts getting close to her. I ball my fist up beside me my blood boiling, maybe even a little jealous. Before I could do anything. I see her duck her head under his arm, taking his arm and pulling it behind his back, pushing his face and chest against this lockers

"look, I got a feeling you've got a dirty dick from fucking way to many bitches for my liking, so if you would tone done on your douche-bag-ness that would fan-fucking-tastic." She scolds letting go of his arm shoving him away.

He  scoffs rolling his eyes fixing his shirt walking away pissed.

I'm still in complete shock she stood up to him. God this girl is going to be the death of me.

And I'm so ready to die.


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