"Get down gray!"

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Rowan's POV

"Hey gra-" I'm interrupted with the sound of glass breaking and gun shots. "Get down gray!" I whisper shout, pulling Grayson down with me off the couch in between the couch and coffee table.

"Shit," I mutter looking around. I see the living room windows blown out as well as the slider doors shattered.

"Okay, Grayson I don't know if there's any men here but if one comes at you remember what I taught you okay." I reach up holding his face in my hands.

"Okay, yeah." He breathes out leaning in, kissing me passionately. Pulling out the kiss I wink and start crawling towards the kitchen in the pantry to where the guns at in the safe. I make it to the pantry, quickly punching in the four digit code, grabbing the gun. loading it with six caps.

Cocking the gun I step out the pantry slowly looking at my surroundings. As I turn the corner, I hear grunts and get a wave of déjà vu from past incidents. Rushing the the living room. quickly and quietly I see Grayson fighting 2 men much bigger then him.

Grayson throws a punch, knocking down the first guy while the second one comes up behind him grabbing him by the neck choking him. I get ready to shoot the guy but Grayson elbows the guy in the ribs, hard, spinning around decking him right in the nose.

Blood gushes out the mans nose. He lazily throws a punch before his fist connects to Grayson he dodges the punch swinging and uppercutting his jaw knocking the guy out cold.

Running up to Grayson I check if he's out. "I'm fine Rowan are you okay." He says worriedly while he breathes heavily, looking me over.

"Yeah I'm fine, that was so fucking hot." I pull him into a kiss. He kisses back even harder deepening the kiss.

I hear a gun cocking; quickly acting on instincts I pull away from the kiss mumbling 'dodge' to Grayson.
We both duck from the bullet that was aimed to us. Standing up properly I see a guy with a bald head and tattoos covering him head toe.

wow be more cliche would you. I thought

He goes to shot again but the bullets in his gun run out. He curses under his breath before looking up, fear races through his eyes.

I raise my gun to shoot him in the leg but I feel a tug my arm. Looking up to Grayson he looks scared. "Don't Rowan's just fight him please, don't kill him" he begs desperately.

Looking back at the guy and back to Grayson. I let out a frustrated sigh before handing Grayson the gun, walking up to this mysterious guy mostly sent to kill me. His eyes widen slightly before his face goes back to emotionless.

He throws a punch, I lean back dodging it. Throwing my fist straight forward with all my strength I hear a crack and soon blood rushes down the mans nose. Not stopping I take my foot kicking it towards his knee, he buckles up and let out a pained groan.

He goes to punch my rib but before gets the chance to I hook my foot around his ankle tugging him towards me causing him to trip and fall on his back. Getting on top of him I start repeatedly throwing punches after punch. He tries to block his face but my punches are coming in quick and skillful.

His arms start to weakly go out and I throw one last punch making his head slam to the side, blood pooling out of his mouth. Once I know for sure he's either knocked out or dead I get up from him letting out a heavy sigh.

"Holly fucking shit what happen here!" I hear someone yell.

Turning around I find none other than my cousins. "Shit"I curse under my breath. I muster up a nervous smile on my face. "Um- it's not -well uh- oh for fucks sake forget it." I stutter completely and utterly over this whole situation.

Sitting on the couch I rest my elbows on my knees; my hands fly to hair. Breathing in and out trying to calm my self down and build up enough courage to tell them what happen.

How the hell do I tell them what's going on? Only Grayson, Carson and my mom know about the whole rape situation and my father, not my fucking family. How am I supposed to explain this? I can't just say 'oh yeah just some random junkies broke, in had to beat the living shit out them, no biggie.'

I can't say that, they won't believe it.

Maybe though, there not the brightest pack of lightbulbs. I think I can be pretty convincing when needed.

"So is someone going to tell me while there are sexy beefy men unconscious on your living room floor, row?!" Cody screeches.

Turning around I see the boys standing all by the door completely flabbergasted as to what the hell is going on.Then there's Grayson's standing in the middle of the living room fiddling with his fingers obviously nervous.

Letting out a sigh I abruptly stand up turning my attention towards them. "Me and gray were just watching TV when we heard glass breaking, at first we didn't know what was going on until I knew it was probably some junkies or something. So me and Grayson knocked them out." I lie straight through my teeth. I hate lying to them but it's for there own safety, I already have Grayson in this mess I can't have my cousins join in as well.

Jay walks cautiously over to the guy I knocked out over by the slider doors. Taking his foot, he lightly kicks to see if he's awake.

"Yep, definitely dead." Jay shrugs.

"Should we call the police?" Trent asks scanning the mess that was caused.

"No no no!" I yell frantically. If the cops come I'll have to explain why I have a gun In the house, I've had bad encounters with the police. If they come here they will recognize me and that's not good, at all.

Grayson gives me a look as to why I said no turning my attention over to the boys they plaster the same face, confusion. Fuck, how do I make up a lie. I could just say I don't want the men to go to jail but that screams bullshit.

"I'm-um i-i don't have a license for the gun." I lie looking at the gun on the coffee table. I hear a very feminine scream over by the door. Whipping my head over to the door I see Cody looking scared and kinda shocked but personal opinion he looks very bitchy. "W-why do you have a gun!" He stutters.

Locking eyes with Grayson I shoot him a look clearly saying 'say something and you will no longer have a dick' he nods and gulps. Well at least he got the jest of it.

"I have a gun because you never know what will happen. So when I heard something I immediately went and grabbed it." The lie smoothly falls from my lips as if it were true.

I hear a bunch of 'oh's' and sighs of relief. Letting out my own sigh of relief I walk up to the gun grabbing it putting it on the safety lock first. Before walking to the kitchen to store it back in the safe. But when I walk past the boys they all back up holding each other like I was going to shoot them.

Walking back in the living room I still see the boys hurdle together. Rolling my eyes I go up to Joe and grab his arm, pulling him to the living room. While doing so I glance back and see a chain reaction, I'm holding on to joe while Jay holds onto Joes other arm. Trent holds onto Jays and Cody holds onto Trent's arm.

Letting out a hearty laugh the boys look at me like I'm some kind of madman. I let the boys sit down on the couch and calm the fuck down. I grab a broom and dust pan and start sweeping up. I sweep up the glass from the slider doors while Grayson sweeps up glass from the windows.

Little weird because we're sweeping around the men.

"I'm proud of you." I glance up at Grayson.

He looks up from sweeping and smiles at me. In all honesty I am proud of Grayson he's a hard worker and I could tell he wanted to learn how to defend himself. He told me he got picked on in school before I came.

I've seen it happen for the first few weeks of school, well when I was actually there. I've seen kids pick on him and I would tell them off or scare them of, unfortunately for me I go back to school Monday because I'm healed enough to go back to hell.

Plus mom said I can't keep milking the situation witch in all honesty seems a lot better than going back.


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