"We have word your father was released"

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By now we had cleaned up the mess those asshole guys made and we're getting ready for the fields.

Grayson had pulled me aside questioning as to why I didn't tell the boys the truth. I told him how they don't know anything and it should stay that way, for there safety.

Right now I was driving in my Jeep Wrangler with Trent, Joe, Grayson and Cody. Jay wanted to ride with Rob and Carson came home a little after the whole break in so he's with them as well. 

"You know there's no cute boys anymore, there either straight or taken." Cody groans.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so thirsty and through yourself at them." Trent argues.

Joe groans slapping his hand over his forehead. "Cody shut the fuck up."

"Why should I shut up? Do you know the last time I had my dick sucked and my as-"

"NO!" We all yell in unison. Hearing Cody's sex life is something I would like to keep a mystery. Just because he's gay doesn't mean he's not fucking more dudes than any slut I've ever met.

"Please for the love of god Cody keep your unholy activities to yourself." I grunt coming to a red light.

"No rowan I will not, you don't understand I have a full time job getting dick I need that shit." He whines from the backseat.

I shake my head chuckling "it's not my fault your dick appointments cancel on you Cody, maybe your just small." I tease looking in the mirror seeing his mouth agape and if it was possible steam coming out of his ears.

Cody lets out a inhuman scream before he goes to launch forwards at me. Before he gets the chance to Trent and Joe hold him back. I glance over to Grayson in the passenger seat and see amusement in his eyes. I let out a soft chuckle before coming up on the dirt roads.

"Okay Cody you have a massive dick now tuck that shit because were about to play some ball." I glance back at Cody once more and see his arms crossed pouting.

I get out the car shaking my head and make my way for the trunk where all the baseball mits and bats are at. Rob and the other boys soon pull up next to us so I start to hand out the gloves and bats.

Once everyone has there's things we all haul our asses over to the baseball fields. The fields are actually a beautiful place the diamond shape field, the bases, fresh green grass, there's big green trees surrounding the whole area giving it a secluded feel. There's nothing out here but the baseball fields.

We all set our stuff down on the benches and start discussing whose playing what bases. We decide Jay will play first base while I'm playing second base, my base. Joe's got short stop and Trent is playing third base. Robs going to be the catcher and Cody and Grayson are batting. Carson is playing as the pitcher. 

"Alright boys and somewhat of a girl get to your bases." Rob teases. I give him the finger and his laugh echos.

I get set on second base patiently waiting for Cody to bat. Cody may be gay but that doesn't mean he Isn't a guy. He's very athletic, he plays basketball but since we grew up together and I used to play softball. The boys would all help me practice-  Cody just knew a little more.

"You ready bitches!" Cody yells from up at home base.

"Hit the fucking ball Cody" Trent grunts.

I turn my attention back to Cody to see that he's ready and Carsons about to pitch. This is softball but instead of pitching the ball under throw we're throwing the ball like its baseball.

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