"Okay sounds like a plan"

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Rowan's POV

Leaving Grayson in Jersey was a lot harder than I expected.

I don't like this at all, not one bit. I've been driving for eight hours and I have had several mental breakdowns and separation anxiety from Grayson. Yes it may sound a little overbearing but I love the fucking kid, he's proceeded to blow my phone up as well as my mom and Carson. I got so tired of crying my eyes out that I turned my phone off and threw that shit in the backseat.

Joseph an the men have been driving behind me the whole entire time, he hasn't once asked me where we were going, hes just been following me.

I kind of feel bad because what if they have families and I just said hey I'm leaving and then there like ok and up and leave there family. But also men that are willing to kill most likely don't have families and are depressed so on the positive side maybe I didn't take them from their families and I just took them from a nice good cold beer.

I'm right now some where in Ohio but I'm not sure where at, I decided to go back to Toledo to see my grandparents on my moms side. It's late at night and I'm tired, just so drained of this day, I put on my blinker turning into a run down motel. I look in the mirror seeing Joseph still hot on my tail.

Turning off the engine I open the back seat grabbing my duffel bag and phone. Shutting the door I catch a glance of Joseph's men getting out of the sketchy ass van.

With a dreaded sigh I walk up to the sigh in desk, surprisingly there's no one sleeping on the other side just a teen boy maybe sixteen behind the desk playing on his phone. He looks up after hearing me open the door.

"Hello, welcome to moonlight motel, how may I help you." He greets setting his phone down.

I smile softly "can I get a room for me an-" I cut my self off seeing the men come in, at least thirteen walk in dressed in all black and pretty badass I'd say so.

Turning my attention back to the boy he looks surprised, scared even, clearing my throat I pull out five hundred dollars putting it on the counter. "Five rooms please, double beds."

He slowly looks down to the money nodding, he counts making sure it's close after handing me back seventy dollars back. "H-here's the keys, on the top floor, the numbers are on key card." He stutters.

I nod thanking him grabbing the keys handing them to the guys to decide witch room they want or who to share with. I pull Joseph aside for a minute to inform him that he's staying with me to discuss what we're going to do. He agrees telling his men to find him in room twenty seven if needed.

I swing my duffel bag over my  shoulder walking up the squeaky stairs.

24, 25, 26..27, I stop in front of my room putting in the key card, a click sounds out opening the door slightly. I push my palm against the door opening it fully. There's two beds and a nightstand in between the beds, a bathroom in the back and a older style tv in front of the beds.

Throwing my duffel bag next to the bed I plan on spending multiple hours of sleep in. I throw my body on to the firm mattress cringing at its hardness. Joseph walks in shortly after setting a small leather bag on his bed.

"I'm sorry" I mumble into the floral pattern comforter.

He cranes his neck looking over his shoulder at me "Why are you sorry Rowan?"

I sigh sitting up cross-legged "I just dragged you guys out here because I couldn't help the fact my father wants me." I look down fiddling with my fingers.

"Rowan you didn't drag us out here." He says "we followed you willingly."

I look up shaking my head "it was childish of me, I should of stayed in Jersey and wait father out, or hell I don't know at least stayed long enough to explain things to Grayson, mom and Carson. I just up an left with a I love you to the boy I'm madly in love with and a note to the only people in my life who want the best for me." I ramble.

He smiles in amusement turning his body to fully face me. "You told Grayson you loved him!" He asks excitedly.

I nod biting my lip "I did, I dropped the L word on him and left, I freaking left Joey."

He frowns at the nickname "Rowan don't call me Joey, it's makes me sound girly. About Grayson though, that was a ballsy move throwing that at him and leaving."

I chuckle softly, nodding "I know...I know Joey, but what if I never see him again? He had to know I loved him.

He looks down sighing "why did you leave?" He asks softly.

"Because of father" I argue

"No Rowan, why did you really leave?"

I open my mouths and close it, I left because of my father..right. I mean after what Ren told me I couldn't stay, if I stayed he would knew I knew...right.

God this constant battle with father is so annoying and irritating. I should of just waited him out, for him to come for me and kidnap me. I could off found a way to kill him if I was captive in his presence. I could off done a a lot of different things, instead I did what a coward would do, I ran away from my problems, I ran away from love, I ran away from everything because I was scared for once.

"I was scared." I admit softly.

He nods standing up squatting down to me. "It's okay to be scared Rowan, it means you have feelings, emotions. Things that make us human, those are things you want when dealing with things like this. I'm so sorry your father is who is, when he's someone that's supposed to be there for you, support you. You just got the bad end off the stick on that, but you found love Rowan. You have a amazing mother and brother who I know would break there back for you, being scared tends to make the human coward away, and in some cases it's okay. Your case Rowan, it's okay to be beyond scared." He grabs my hand rubbing it softly, a fatherly action that brings me to tears.

He leans in pulling me into a hug rubbing my back softly. I sob into his shoulder whispering sorry over and over again, for what, I have no clue. Maybe I'm just tired of letting down people or I'm silently asking god or whoever's up there why me. What did I do to deserve this, I know I've killed before but it's be killed or get killed and in my case I was defending myself. I hate this to beyond the core but I know I could have it worse, I could have no one absolutely know one, here I am with people who love me for me and care for me for me, and I took advantage off it.

I pull back sniffling rubbing my eyes free of tears, Joseph continues rubbing my back softly. "I'm okay." I say more to myself.

He nods "I know you are, that's why we're going to get those vehicles and leave. Where going home Rowan, and where going to kill that mother fucker that decided it was okay to torment you for years."

I nod dragging my hand across my face sighing. "Okay, but first I need sleep, if I don't get any sleep I'll be bitchy and whiny, will leave tomorrow morning i've already paid a shit ton of money just to sleep here."

He chuckles "okay sounds like a plan." He stands up squeezing my shoulder softly. Before he walks away I grab his wrist. He stops looking down at me with raised eyebrows. "Thank you Joey."

He smiles nodding walking over to his bed climbing in, I follow his actions taking a deep breath once I'm settled in. Joseph leans over turning off the little lamp, the room fils with a dark cast. Suddenly I get and idea shuddering at the thought.

"I wonder how many people have fucked on this bed, I really want a black light right about now." I admit

"Ew Rowan, go to sleep instead of thinking of the unspeakable stains on these sheets." He groans

I sigh "I think I feel something sticking on my foot." I mumble shifting into a fetal position.

"Sleep, now" he demands.

I roll my eyes before closing my eyes. I'm going home tomorrow, well this whole fucking field trip was pointless.



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