"You mean while i sucked you off, yeah me to"

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Slowly opening my eyes I feel something rather large on me.

Adjusting to my surroundings I see Grayson sleeping on top of me, literally. His face in the crook of my neck, his arms wrapped around me tightly while his legs are tangled with mine. Pulling my hand from under him I poke his cheek trying to wake him. I poke him a few more times but nothing.

Oh I know, he's ticklish, taking my hands and bringing them to his sides I start to tickle him. His eyes snap open, at first he's shocked but falls into a fit of giggles rolling on his back. A smile spreads across my face from him laughing. "Ple-please s-stop." He's laughter cuts him off while I straddle his waist still tickling him.

"I'm u-up!" He yells laughing louder while squirming under me. I continue to tickle him while he squirms underneath me but soon I feel something poking my inner thigh.

I stop tickling him with wide eyes, he stops moving with red cheeks and wide eyes. I burst out laughing. He doesn't laugh but brings his hands up to his face to hide his red face.

"Oh my god Grayson, seriously!" I ask in between laughs.

"it's not my fault when your on top of me in underwear and T-shirt!" He argues but it's muffled from his hands.

I reach out and take his hands off his face before seeing his beat red face. Locking eyes with each other we both burst into giggles. Me mostly because of the whole situation, him mostly because he's embarrassed.

"Can you get off so I can handle gray bear?" He asks seriously.

Shaking my head I lean down to kiss him. He puts his hand in between our faces making my face squish against his palm stoping me from kissing him.

Pulling back I pout with furrowed eyebrows. "Hey I was going to kiss you." I whine.

"I have morning breathe." He says putting his hand In front of his mouth to block his breathe.

My face scrunches up "Oh, yeah get your nasty ass away." I tease rolling over on to my back.

Rolling his eyes he gets up from the bed leaning down to floor to get his pants on. Before he puts his sweats over his boxers I smack his ass. He yells turning around glaring at me.

"Rowan, no." He tells me like I'm a kid.

"oh yeah what you gonna do about it." I threat looking at him.

"You wait a good 5 minutes then I'll fuck your shit up." He threatens before walking to the bathroom.

Shrugging my shoulders I decide to get dressed. Considering we're going to play baseball today I put on a black sports bra with my Detroit Tigers jersey, adding some blacking leggings.

Once I'm dress I plop on my bed laying on my stomach scrolling through my phone. I hear the bathroom door creak open meaning its probably Grayson so I don't turn around.

"Rowan." Grayson says in a low husky voice from behind me. "Yeah" I ask not looking up from my phone. As I was about to turn around because he didn't answer I feel I sharp pain on my ass cheeks.

Whipping my body around I see a very pleased Grayson standing there smirking.

"What the fuck gray!" I ask pissed of because that fucking hurt.

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