Chapter 20 - Home

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"Okay. We're here. Now go to bed." Hiccup opened the door and Astrid went in. She stared at him.

"Why should I?" She ask him and sit on the couch. Hiccup walked to her and stood behind the couch. "Because I said so.." He look at her.

Astrid look up and said, "Having a baby doesn't mean I have to lay on the bed all day long, Hiccup.. I need some exercise too."

"Well, you have gotten too much today." He smiled. Astrid thought. "What did I do?" She asked. Hiccup smirked and sat beside her. "You ran to me and we fell."

She shook her head. "Yeah. Only that.. What else?" She look at him and he gave her a stare. "Alright Astrid. On 3.. Or I'll carry you upstairs." He said.

"Psshh.. I don't care." She laughed and Hiccup crossed his arms. "One-" Astrid cut off his speech and said, "Two.. I said I don't care."

"That's it!" Hiccup directly lift and carry her up. "Wait! You haven't say 'three'. Put me down!" She laughed and squealed.

Hiccup opened the bedroom door and lay her on the bed, still holding her hands and sat between her legs. Astrid was still laughing and squealing, ticklishly.

"Hold still. I said hold still.. Now be quiet." He said to her. She stopped moving but still laughing. "I said be quiet. You're making the baby suffer of laughter."

"I didn't know you could be so protective.." She laughed. Hiccup stop holding her. "I didn't know that you're pretty hard to be calmed." He chuckled.

"Okay. Stop it.. Oh my Thor! You're hurting me." She laugh.

Hiccup shook his head. "What did I do?" He said. Astrid started to stop laughing but still giggling. "Okay. Get some rest.." He got off the bed and stood up.

"Wait. You're not coming?" She asked and started to pout. He smiled and replied, "Okay. I'm coming.." He got up the bed, pull the blanket and lay down next to her.

Astrid curled onto him and place her head on his shoulders. He put his arm around her and pull her closer to him. "Sleep tight, mommy.." He said, kissing her forehead and rub her back.

"You too, Hiccup." She said, closing her eyes and started to fall asleep.

Just then, Toothless appeared on the window and growled. Hiccup turned to him and whispered, "Shh.. What is it bud?" Toothless look down and glance at him.

Hiccup carefully move Astrid and stood up. He walk to the window and look down. Valka was standing there, waving at him.

He knew he couldn't go down cause he might wake Astrid up. So, he ask Toothless to carry his mom and went in through the window.

"Why didn't you just use the door?" Valka asked him. He sighed and look at Astrid. "Oh. I get it.. You don't want to wake her up don't you?" She sit on the bed.

Hiccup nodded and lay back down beside Astrid. Astrid moved a little and Hiccup pull her close to him just like before. "So, how is she?" Valka asked once more.

"She's doing great.." He nodded and Valka smiled.

"Mom?" Hiccup look at his mom and she look at him. "You're gonna be a grandma.." Her eyes widened and she look at Astrid.

She smiled. "She's?" Hiccup nodded. "Oh how I wish your father could see this. He's gonna be very proud of you. I'm very proud of you.." She smiled and thought. 'Omg. Grandbabies..'

Hiccup look at her and stroke Astrid's hair. He smiled and said, "But what should I do if she's not feeling well?"

"Just give her some mixed herbs and she'll be fine." Valka nodded and stood up. "I'm going now.. You take good care of her, young man.." She pointed to Astrid and Hiccup nodded. "I will.."

Valka smiled and went down.


Admin: Take note! "...... I'm very proud of you." She smiled and thought. 'Omg. Grandbabies..' Valka.. You finally got what you wanted. GRANDBABIES!! YASSS!!


Admin: Well played, Hiccup. Well played.

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