Chapter 38 - Ghosts? Not exactly.

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The kids went outside to play. Just then, Ruff and Tuff appeared in front of them. "Boo!" They shouted.

Colt raised an eyebrow and Skye glared at them. "What? You're supposed to run! We're ghosts and our job is to scare little kids like you." Tuff said. Ruff crossed her arms and punched Tuff. "Ouch!" He said.

"You don't look like ghosts. You look more like idiots." Colt said, chuckling. Skye burst out laughing when Gobber appeared behind the twins, covered by a big, white cloth. "You call us idiots?!? No way!" Tuff said in anger.

Colt rolled his eyes and saw Gobber behind the twins. "Eh.. We gotta go.. See you!" He said, pulling Skye's arm and ran away. "Yeah! Go ahead! Run for your lives before he catches you!! Idiots.." Ruff said.

"Nice one!" Tuff replied. They turn back and saw Gobber covered with a big, white cloth. Ghost-like looking. "G..G..G.. GHOST! Ahhhhhhh!!!" The twins run to the forest and hide themselves in a cave.

While the kids walked up to Gobber. "Nice one, Gobber.." Colt said. "Yeah. But those two idiots might not come back home though.." Skye added. Colt glance at Skye. "You go get your father.. Tell him they were just dreaming.." Gobber laughed. The kids grinned and went home.

•• At home ••

Hiccup had just finished his breakfast with Astrid when the kids came home. "Dad! Dad! Dad!" Skye called. "Yes?" Hiccup answered. "Someone's in trouble!" Colt said.

"Let me guess.. It's Ruff and Tuff?" Astrid smirked. "Yep. It's obvious.." Skye ran upstairs and grab her stuffs. Hiccup shook his head. "So.. What kind of trouble did they got into?" He asked. "Well, they were dreaming about ghosts.. And they thought everyone were ghosts.." Skye replied as she went downstairs and lend some of her stuffs to Colt.

"What's that for?" Astrid said looking at the kids who's holding a lot of stuffs. "Eh.. Nothing.. We're just going to.. Do something.." Colt explained. "Anyways, they ran to a cave in the forest.. We'll see you later!" Skye said as they walked outside.

"Hiccup.. I think they're planning something for the twins." Astrid look at Hiccup and sighed. "Heh. Kids.. Why don't you go check on them while I go find the twins?" He said, wrapping his arms around her and smile. "Okay.." She said and followed the kids to Ruff and Tuff's house.

Hiccup get on Toothless. "Here we go again, bud. Adventure just never ends." He said and Toothless growled. They got the twins back and brought them home.

The kids set up a prank at the twins' house while Astrid watched them, laughing. She knew  she couldn't stop them. "Okay.. I think that'll do.." Colt said, admiring their creation.

Tuffnut ran to his house followed by Ruffnut. Hiccup saw Astrid beside the twins' house looking up at something. He ran to her. "So.. What now?" He asked. "And.. Where are the kids?"

Astrid shook her head and smiled. "Wait for it.." She said as she pointed to the kids whose holding a bucket of water, sitting at the rooftop, waiting for reactions.

A few seconds later, Hiccup and Astrid heard a scream. "GHOSTS!!!" Ruff and Tuff ran out of the house. Colt pour out the water from the bucket and they got wet. "Yes! We did it!" He said looking at Skye as she grinned.

"Oh great.. Now what..?" Tuff said to himself. Hiccup burst out laughing along with Astrid while the kids get down from the roof. "Hey dad! You nearly missed the show.." Skye said.

"Yeah but I didn't.." He replied laughing. Colt glance at Skye and smiled. "Okay that's enough for today.. Let's just go home." Astrid said still chuckling.


Admin: Another long chapter.. Poor Ruff and Tuff.. Sorry not sorry.. X"D

Tuff: Admin.. Why u do dis?!?

Ruff: Yeah.. Why?!?

Colt: That's becoz she can.. Am I right?

Admin: YASSSS!!! HIGH FIVE!! *high fives Colt*

Colt: YEAH!! WE ROCK!! *high fives Admin*

Skye: What about me?? *pouts*

Admin: Aweee you too.. *hugs Skye*

Skye: Yay!! *hugs Admin*

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