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"I told you, Mom, I'm not going to return, I'm going to live what left of my life I have left making the last days, worth it all" Harper held her phone to her ear, as she told her mother

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"I told you, Mom, I'm not going to return, I'm going to live what left of my life I have left making the last days, worth it all" Harper held her phone to her ear, as she told her mother.

"You're being selfish Harper!" Her mother yelled as she rolled her eyes at her mother's tone

"It's time for me to be selfish, I'm sorry Mom, I love you" The line went silent, as Harper waited for a reply, but all she got was the sound of her mother hanging up.

Harper let out a sigh, as she pulled her phone away from her ear, and she stared at the device for a while.

She was sat in the studio, Freya had allowed her to live in, and it was very elegant, for it is above a small herb shop.

She sat on the couch, that was below the bed that was above, her in an awning. The place was truly too fancy, for Harper to believe that Freya allowed her to stay in. Then, it came to the fully stocked refrigerator-

"Here's the place, sorry, it's not much but it should feel like home," Freya said as she walked into the studio with Harper who was gaping at the place in front of her.

Harper did not want to seem rude, but when Freya said it was not much, that was a total understatement. The place literally looks like it came out of a brochure, that most people used to lure tourist. She was utterly surprised at the place; it was way too fancy for her to just be given to stay at.

"Everything in here you can use, and all the food is for you, I usually have it filled, so you don't have to worry about groceries," Freya said as she walked in putting Harper's bag on the coffee table

"Oh, Freya, please, allow me to pay or something, I really can't just let you do this all for me" Harper begged

Freya chuckled crossing her arms," Okay, fine, you cook us lunch every day, and occasionally for dinner- You can cook right?" Freya bargained and Harper wanted to argue, but she knew, that it was futile.

"Yes, I can cook, have been since I was 5, my granny taught me everything I know" Harper stated

Freya grinned," Thank goodness, I can't cook for the life of me, and I'm tired of fancy meals I eat at my home-my brother likes to dine like a king"

Harper chuckled at the scrunched face Freya had," Well, you'll dine home cooked meals, that you usually get after a long day of hard work"

Harper had been way too fortunate, for her own good, but she was going to take all she can get, she needed this for herself.

The alarm on Harper's phone went off, letting her know it was time for her medication.

She leaned over, reaching inside her duffle bag, and pulled out a small pouch that had her medicine, and she eyed the bottles as she pulled it out.

She knew it was not going to save her, and she should just stop taking them, but it still helped with the pain, and she didn't want to spend any of her days feeling the pain she was going to suffer.

She just wanted to be happy, and feel free, even if it was only for a short while.

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