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Harper had not expected to spend her day off, telling her life story to the original, not that it was exciting anyways, but she saw that he was listening otherwise

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Harper had not expected to spend her day off, telling her life story to the original, not that it was exciting anyways, but she saw that he was listening otherwise.

She had not told Elijah about being sick since it was something, she chose to hide the rest of her time alive. Since she wanted to be known for who she is and not known as the sick woman.

"So, I just decided to pack my things and hitched a ride with a bunch of people, and somehow ended up here," Harper said, she had told him about her life before she got sick, and just lied about having a feud with her parents, on why she left.

"You don't plan to return home?" Elijah questioned

Harper let out a sigh," No plans on it, I know, I practically ran away, but- I just needed this" She hated having to lie about why she left, but she chose this lie, so she was going to stick with it.

The Original, had known that there was much more to the story, but it was not any of his business to pry into her affairs, so he did not pester on questions about it, and chose to just ask present ones," You are acquainted with my sister, may I ask how?"

Harper looked at him and immediately her cheeks turned red," I was looking for a job, and I was talking to myself, and your sister heard me, and one way and another, she offered me a job at her shop and even a place to stay. She did so much for me, for a complete stranger, and the deal she had for all she gave me, was to cook her lunch and dinner occasionally"

To say that Elijah was surprised, with the outcome, was complete understatement. He had not expected his sister, just to pick up someone from the streets, offer her a job and a place to stay, just for meals.

There, he had known that maybe something about Harper was special, that he couldn't detect, but he'd have to ask Freya since he had no theory for whatever it was.

"It would be a lie, if I say that was something Freya would do, but honestly I am just as perplexed" Elijah admitted

Harper nodded her head, wearing a sad smile," Yes, but the little time I have known your sister, is that she won't take no for an answer, and also, I love cooking meals for her, since she told me that she wanted to eat home-cooked meals- OH that was- Oh, please tell me you are not her only sibling or brother for the matter, she told me her brother likes to eat meals fit for a king, and- Now I just sound like I am speaking ill of you or your possible siblings" Harper slumped in the barstool, in complete humiliation at how she just ran her mouth.

Elijah had a huge smile form on his face, clearly amused at her personality, that it was very uplifting, and he liked the awkwardness, she had, considering, he was used to being around not so humorful people," Yes, actually I have one older brother, that goes by Finn, then our younger ones, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah. The one you must be speaking of is Niklaus, he does tend to take things to a dramatic approach, even in meals"

"Wow, that is a lot of siblings, I take it you are close?" Harper asked, not feeling the embarrassment as much anymore.

It was like Elijah had the ability to take away that discomfort by just speaking, his voice had made her forget the tension she felt.

"Yes, we are really close, there was a time when we weren't, but by some odd turn of events, we are all together again" Harper saw the smile on his face and gave her a strong feeling of warmth.

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