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The human body had the most awful way of showing that it was in a horrible state, and for Harper, that's exactly what was happening

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The human body had the most awful way of showing that it was in a horrible state, and for Harper, that's exactly what was happening.

According to her counter, she had 3 months, and her body was screaming like it was telling her death was near.

Elijah had spent every waking moment by her side, and Harper was grateful for it, that she hardly found herself falling in depression, which was something she had learned happen at this late in the stage.

Every time he had held her in his arms, he felt the cold shivers, that she had every time, and it hurt his heart each time.

For once, in all his years, he had wished that his own cursed vampire blood he had been stricken with for so many years, had worked.

But then, he didn't want that for his beloved Harper Kingsley, to live a life to survive on blood.

"My dear brother, why must you find yourself in a love that never ends with your happiness?" Elijah who'd had just walked out of his and Harper quarters was questioned by Niklaus.

"Niklaus, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Elijah had questioned raising his eyebrow, he had lost contact with Niklaus since he had moved away, not that he minded since he preferred his brother finally living away from all the things New Orleans had made him do.

"What? Can't I visit my siblings on this fine day?" Niklaus taunted,

Elijah sighed," Night" he corrected, which made Niklaus roll his eyes," Why are you really here?" Elijah pushed.

"I'm really feeling the love, you have for me brother" Niklaus grumbled, as he waved his hand for Elijah to follow," It seems, my dear wife, is pregnant"

Elijah stopped in his tracks, as he furrowed his brows, Keira getting pregnant?

Unless it was planned, he couldn't possibly think how else she could have gotten in that situation. The thought of an affair was not even once in his mind.

"What are you saying Niklaus?" Elijah had questioned, and Niklaus turned to face him

"I said what I did, have you gone deaf?" He was slightly frustrated, with Elijah not coming in his defence of asking if Keira had slept with another, but it was clear he had forgotten how Elijah used to be smitten with his wife.

"It seems, I came to the wrong sibling, maybe our dearest sister Freya could have the answer" Niklaus scoffed, about to walk away, but Elijah grabbed his hand

"Brother, what will you do to her if you find out whatever happened?"

Niklaus looked at his older brother raising an eyebrow," I'd tell you, once I get my answer, so where is Freya? She hasn't been returning any of my calls"

Elijah swore quietly, which obviously was heard from Niklaus, with the whole enhanced hearing," She had left, for a while"

"Define, a while brother, and what for?" Niklaus asked suspiciously

Elijah let out a sigh," She hopes to find a way to help Harper" that sentence alone made Niklaus's frustration disappear

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