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When Harper returned home, to say her parents fell to the ground crying, was an understatement

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When Harper returned home, to say her parents fell to the ground crying, was an understatement. It went on for hours, as her parents cried, and she in return, as they held each other in their arms.

The entire week, went really slow, as she did everything she could, despite the pain she was feeling both physically and mentally. Her parents had just been focused on those days, of joy, those days of doing everything possible together.

Harper had not told them about Elijah, wanting to savor the moment she had with them, and to enjoy the week she had decided to forever burn into her mind.

Although, it had been a huge push in reality for her, could she really make her dear parents forget her? When she heard their laughter and saw their beautiful smiles.

"Could you really do this to them Harper?" Elijah asked, as the week and ended, as she watched her parents from her bedroom window.

"I have to Elijah, once...Once I'm gone, they'll never smile or laugh like that again" Harper answered

Elijah shook his head frowning," You are wrong Harper"

She turned to him, as she furrowed her brows," Why? You said you'd do anything I'd ask"

Elijah reached over and made her face the window," Look, love" He pointed to her parents in the backyard," Memories, should never be taken away from them, even if it would be painful"

"Why?" She muttered as he hugged her from behind

"Because one day, those memories, will not always be painful, one day, it will be happy ones, all of them. When they look back to them, the smile and laughter, you hear currently, will be even happier than now, because they are precious, and become stronger within time"

Harper felt her chest tightened," I can't bear to see them sad"

"Tell me how you really feel, Harper, because I know that here," Elijah said lifting one hand on her beating chest," Is not something that can lie, right now, it's telling me, that there is more than what you want to admit"

"I don't want them to forget" Harper cried, as he held her tighter in the hug," I want them to always remember the day they adopted me and gave me a home. The day, I had achieved so much, all of it, even the sad and hard times" Harper had spilt everything out, as Elijah held her in his arms.

"I knew that was what you wanted, Harper, you love them with all your heart, and I knew, that you couldn't do that to them because they are the reason you are here today, and I thank them for that"

"What do you mean?" Harper questioned which made Elijah chuckled

He turned her to face him," Because I was able to meet, the most beautiful and magnificent person standing right here in front of me right this moment, the woman I am madly in love with, Harper Kingsley"

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