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"Xalkori, Avastin and Erlotinib?" Kol said as he read the medication bottles

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"Xalkori, Avastin and Erlotinib?" Kol said as he read the medication bottles

Elijah had been sitting next to an unconscious Harper," She really is sick, isn't she?" Kol mumbled and Elijah's face dropped, at the statement.

"Can't our blood cure her?" Rebekah asked from the wall she was leaning on

"Not Cancer Bex, it's nothing compared to common illnesses" Finn confessed as he closed his eyes.

"But this is so unfair," Rebekah said crossing her arms, frowning, as she looked down to the human girl, she was really starting to get close with," So turning her wouldn't cure it?"

"No" Freya who had finally spoke up, sniffling, and her eyes were bloodshot red," Vampirism, will not make her better, she'll still be sick, and d-die" Freya stated as she started to shake, making Finn walk over putting his arm on making her lean over to cry in his arms.

"It explains everything now, why she was so vague on her past, she didn't want us to know, and treat her like she was fragile" Elijah spoke, as the siblings all shared looks.

"What do we do then? Compel her to forget?" Rebekah asked, not liking the idea of it.

"No, we can't do that to her" Elijah said as all of the siblings looked at him, all feeling the same way

"She's already at risk with being acquainted with us, I think we owe it to her" Freya said as she walked over, running her hand through Harper's hair.

The siblings left, just leaving Elijah and Freya in the room, and Freya frowned seeing how much it was affecting her brother. She knew that Elijah was really starting to like Harper, and the same went with Harper for him.

Freya cared deeply for her, and she wanted to find any way possible, to make her live, she couldn't lose her, none of them, and especially Elijah.

"Elijah, I'm going away for a while, can you take care of her for me?" Freya asked as she put a hand on her brother's shoulder making his raise an eyebrow at her

"Where are you going?"

"I can't answer that, just please, can you promise to take care of her?" Freya pleaded

Elijah looked down to the human," Of course, you don't even have to ask me that, I'll watch over her, but what do I tell her?"

"About me?" She questioned while he nodded," Tell her I- went to handle some business if she chooses to still be around us, after she finds out the truth" Freya said as he face fell, at the thought of being rejected by Harper, especially her siblings.

"Don't worry, I know Harper, will not be afraid of us" Elijah reassured her," Before she fainted, she reached out to me, even after seeing Kol and I's face, and I'll answer anything she questions if I have too"

"Thank you, just keep her here, since I won't be around to put a barrier on the shop" Freya said one last time, as she reached over hugging him," Don't worry, I will save her" She thought, not wanting to say it out loud until she was sure.

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