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8 more months and 3 days are what Harper had read on her phone, as she let out a long sigh, as she leaned on the counter in the shop

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8 more months and 3 days are what Harper had read on her phone, as she let out a long sigh, as she leaned on the counter in the shop.

Since having dinner with the Mikaelson's, she had been invited to there home countless times, and she also found herself getting really close to Elijah.

She didn't get to know Keira and Niklaus since they had moved away, which made the dinner's less 'Fit for a King' and homier, since Freya had often brought her over to cook meals.

The one thing she found strange, was that before Keira had left, she would often find her staring at Harper with a look of forlorn like she knew that Harper was sick.

In fact, she did, but Harper didn't dare herself to ask, not wanting to have confirmed it for her.

The bell of the door alerted Harper, making her stand straight, and she smiled her usual work smile, and a woman walked in," Welcome to La Mikaelson" She greeted, and the woman bobbed her head, as she looked around the store.

Although to Harper's lack of knowledge, and Freya's mistake, the woman that had entered was a Vampire, that had a strong dislike for the Mikaelson's, and she had known that this human, was pretty acquainted with them, it was an advantage for her.

Freya had usually had the shop, surrounded with protection, but it seemed it was one day, she had forgotten about it, putting Harper in danger, and that was what happened.

Before Harper could, take another breath, she was suddenly up against the wall held on her throat," How foolish those Mikaelson's are" The woman seethed, as her eyes went black, with veins forming around them, Harper had looked at her face and saw the fangs elongating from her mouth.

"W-What are you?" Harper said through breaths, as the hold on her neck tightened, closing the airways for the human, as the woman smirked, piercing her fangs into her neck.

Harper let out a scream, and as the woman went to snap her neck, she was suddenly thrown across the room, making Harper slide down the floor holding her wounded neck, as she looked to see who had saved her, it was Kol and Elijah, who both had the matching features of the woman who had drained her of her blood.

Kol went to the woman, as Elijah walked over blocking the view, from seeing Kol rip the heart out of the woman," Harper" Elijah said carefully as he knelt down to her, and he feared she would back away, but instead, she reached over weakly to Elijah and soon fainting into his arms.

"Well, what do we do now brother?" Kol asked, walking over wiping his bloody hand with a handkerchief

"We'll take her to the mansion, and call Freya if you will" Elijah said as he lifted Harper in his arms.

"Medicine, in the restroom" Harper, mumbled, making the brothers look at her, and Kol then realized, now what had happened a few months back, when he smelt blood in the restroom when he first met Harper, she was sick, and it explained the strange feeling they all been getting off of her.

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