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The Dinner with the Mikaelson's had been very nerve-wracking for Harper at first, but then, after a while, it had become oddly comforting for her, and she had noticed, it was because of Elijah once again

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The Dinner with the Mikaelson's had been very nerve-wracking for Harper at first, but then, after a while, it had become oddly comforting for her, and she had noticed, it was because of Elijah once again.

Elijah found himself more drawn to the human, every time she had spoken, it was almost like her soul, itself was drawing him to her, and for all the many years he had lived, he had not ever felt this feeling his ever.

Freya had gotten drunk, so she was not in any shape to drive, so obviously, Elijah had stepped forward for the responsibility, not wanting his own sister or the human he was getting fond of getting hurt.

"It was a really nice dinner, Frey wasn't kidding about it being a meal fit for a king, I honestly never had most of the food my entire life" Harper said as she giggled.

"Niklaus has a way of making things dramatic sometimes, but if I may be completely honest, that was not even the least bit compared to days when he really has a good day" Elijah admitted making Harper chuckle

"Oh, wow, if that was not even half of it, I'm kind of interested on the 'good day', also his wife seems like an amazing woman"

"She is" Elijah confessed, looking off to the distance, at his words, and Harper knew that it meant, he might have feelings for Keira and she felt her chest pang from the thought.

Harper decided to brush it off, and change the subject," Your family is very nice by the way, all of them, I really did have an amazing time, especially all the stories your siblings told"

Elijah turned to her, realizing how she must have noticed him not wanting to talk about the subject of Keira anymore, and he was grateful for her gesture," Well, I am sure, they enjoyed your company as well, you seem to really fit in well with them"

"Really? I thought I was so awkward!" Harper said as she put her hands on her face, as she blushed," but, all of you made it really soothing, especially, Kol, Freya and you" She turned up smiling at him.

"Kol?" He asked a little curious why she did seem not as wary with him

"Oh, I cooked dinner for him and Freya the day I met you"

"Oh" was all Elijah said not sure why he didn't really fancy the idea of the whole situation, but he decided to not to think about it.

"You know, since coming to New Orleans, I have been able to really experience a lot of things, at such a short time, especially since I don't have much time anyways" Harper said but whispered the last part, but since she knew nothing about Elijah being a vampire, she didn't think he would have heard it, but he did loud and clear.

"Well, I hope we can make you experience more things" Elijah replied back

She smiled up at him," Thank you, Elijah"

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