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"Are you sure you want this Harper?" Elijah asked as they were both sat in her room, after a long heated discussion, on wanting to go back to New Orleans

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"Are you sure you want this Harper?" Elijah asked as they were both sat in her room, after a long heated discussion, on wanting to go back to New Orleans.

"This will forever be my home Elijah, but so is New Orleans, even if I only been there for a short time, I felt so happy there, and I had so much amazing memories, and my time is running out, I want to see your siblings as well" Elijah had not liked hearing her talk about her time, but never said anything about it, knowing it'll just upset them both.

Elijah knew that it was the truth, of wanting to see his siblings, but her highest hope was seeing Freya, whom, she hasn't seen for since she had woken up from the vampire attack.

"Okay, but it might not be easy Harper, please avoid arguing with them" Elijah gave in, as he held his hand out to her since she was sitting on the ground hugging one of her many plush animals.

She let a pout form on her face, as he easily lifted her to her feet," I promise" she mumbled, making him chuckle softly as he kissed her forehead

"Good girl" he teased making her rolled her eyes playfully

"Always am"

The pair walked down the steps, or more like Harper, took one step a time, trying to stall, making Elijah lift her up as he walked down, as she grumbled the entire way down," this is not a flattering position, Elijah" he just responded with a laugh, as he reached the bottom of the stairs, putting her on her feet

"The longer you take love, the harder it'll be, so I did you a favour" He said as he stood on a step, making him taller than he was, as Harper had to crane her next more than usual.

"Come on" She commented, reaching her hand out to him," You're my moral support, wise guy" She mumbled as the walked to the kitchen, where both her parents currently where.

"Mom, Dad, Can I speak with you both?" Harper announced, as both her parents turned to her

"Of course Dear" Joan responded

"Um, Look, I know you both were not happy with me leaving before, but I- Can I leave again?" Harper asked as she watched the faces on both parents drop. It was like they knew, that she was going to ask them this, and it was true they did.

The silence was deafening if that can even be possible, but to Harper, it felt like the silence, hurt her ears. She knew, that coming back, and wanting to leave was going to hurt her parents again.

After the silence, her father spoke up," You won't be alone right?" This question alone, had Harper and Elijah, both looking at him in confusion.

"No, I'll be with Elijah, and his family," Harper said slowly, as both her parents shared looks, and then smiled

"Then, you can go," Joan said

"Are you sure?" Harper asked in a small voice, as both her parents walked over, hugging her

"Of course, sweetheart, if this is what you want, then go"

Wayne pulled out of the hug turning to Elijah," Take care of her"

Elijah nodded," I will, I promise" and with that, he was pulled into the little family hug.

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