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The moment Harper opened the door, Elijah stood there, holding a bouquet of flowers, with a smirk plastered on his face," Of course, you'd do that" Harper scoffed playfully as she crossed her arms," Already on the road to wooing my mother?"

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The moment Harper opened the door, Elijah stood there, holding a bouquet of flowers, with a smirk plastered on his face," Of course, you'd do that" Harper scoffed playfully as she crossed her arms," Already on the road to wooing my mother?"

"I try, to make a good impression, on the first official meeting" He replied, making Harper chuckled

"Oh what a fine young man!" Harper jumped at her mother's voice, from right behind her, and gave her a small glare

"I- Mom! couldn't you have waited in the living room?"

"Oh, hush dear- Why don't you come inside, Joan Kingsley, it's a pleasure to meet you" Her mother said shoving her to the side, as Harper facepalmed.

Elijah smiled as he reached for her hand," It's a pleasure, Ms Kingsley, My name is Elijah Mikaelson"

"Oh! Oh! He has an accent" Harper groaned raising now her other hand now with both on her face," Come, now, you must meet my husband!" Her mother gestured as she motioned her hand for him to follow.

Once her mother was in front of them, he took the moment, and kissed Harper on the head," You are so adorable love" He handed her the flowers, as she took his outstretched arm, looping her own with his as they walked to the living room.

"Darling! This is Elijah Mikaelson" Joan announced, as the couple walked in the room, although she pronounced his last name a little off, neither dared to correct her, when she was in a good mood.

Harper's father stood up as he eyed Elijah, who was in fact, wearing his usual suit and tie," You dress like this all the time?" Her father asked, making Harper groan

Elijah let out a small laugh," Actually-"

"Don't answer it, Dad is just trying to be funny" Harper cut him off.

"Dad, this is Elijah Mikaelson, Elijah this is my dad"

Harper introduced them, as they both shook hands," Wayne Kingsley"

Immediately, her father had stolen Elijah to the backyard, to talk, as she joined her mother to cook dinner for them," Does, Elijah know about you?" Joan asked as she cut vegetables,

Harper who was stirring the broth," Yes, he knows"

"And he still stays?" Joan asked although Harper knew it was not a rude question, but a genuine concerning one

"Yes mom, he is"

Joan stopped cutting the vegetables for a moment," you find it a little unfair to him?" Harper halted her stirring, as she looked down

"I...yes, I think it is" Harper knew Elijah would hear what she was saying, but she needed to say it," I think it's unfair, but Mom, I care deeply about him, even if it's selfish, I can't help these feelings"

Joan lowered the knife in her hand, as she walked over pulling her daughter in an embrace," Oh, Sweetheart" She heard her mother cry into her arms, and she also fell into the same action, as tears spilt down her face. She knew that it was unfair to Elijah, but she just loved him.

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