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"Harper? Are you okay?" Elijah had snapped her out of her long daze, hesitant, he preferred never to ask those three words, worried about how'd she react, but he needed to know, he needed to know how the one he was starting to care about is feelin...

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"Harper? Are you okay?" Elijah had snapped her out of her long daze, hesitant, he preferred never to ask those three words, worried about how'd she react, but he needed to know, he needed to know how the one he was starting to care about is feeling well.

Harper bit her lip, as she avoided his gaze, she disliked being asked those words, but whenever Elijah looked at her.

He had this certain feeling in his eyes, that was pleading for an answer. She couldn't deny it, that he was important, that he was special, but she was terrified, for these feelings.

She was going to die in months, she could feel it, and the last she wanted was have fallen in love.

Although it seemed, that it was already too late, for both of them, the fire had already been lit, and each day, they fall deeper and deeper into the emotion, love is a fickle thing, you can't escape it by closing your eyes and trying to pretend it's not there.

"Depends if you mean, currently" Harper replied, as Elijah's eyes fell, he knew she didn't mean it in a harsh way, but it was the only response that seemed fitting.

He would apologize, for asking, but he did not feel like it was necessary, as he looked into her eyes, he was sure, she knew he couldn't take back what he had asked.

Elijah reached his hand out to her," Why don't I take you out for a day?" He questioned, making her remove her eyes from her phone, that she had been distracted with.

In truth, she kept looking at the counter on her phone, 7 months, was left, and she didn't even bother caring about the days.

Harper couldn't hide it anymore, she wanted to see her parents, she missed them. How selfish did she think she needed to me? Even to run away from her dear parents who cared and loved her, despite not being their actual child, they were her parents regardless if there was no blood connection.

"I'd love that" Harper answered, as she put her phone down, not wanting to feel all the guilt and dread were coming from the device alone.

Elijah smiled at her, as she took his hand," Shall we?" She smiled at him

"We shall" he chuckled at her horrible attempt of trying to mock his accent.

"It was horrible, wasn't it?" Harper turned red, and Elijah smirked

"I've heard worse, but don't fret my dear, I can teach you" Harper felt her heart skip a beat, from his words, he smiled, pulling her closer to him," Hold tight" she instantly obliged, as he sped off with her.

He didn't care if she was dying, Elijah was going to show her the world with all the time she had left, he hated to admit the day that came, but right now he was going to make her live all the moments she can.

He knew that it was too late to deny his feelings, the moment he laid his eyes on her, and heard her voice, he had already been taken from the heartache he once had, and it was not something that just happens.

Her soul itself felt right with his, all those years he had been alive, he had never felt this drawing feeling that had him weak to the knees, for once, he actually felt genuinely alive.

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