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"Well Harper, it would seem you and I will see each other more often" Elijah smiled as he walked out the café with Harper as she grinned

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"Well Harper, it would seem you and I will see each other more often" Elijah smiled as he walked out the café with Harper as she grinned

"I would like to think so"

"I know we will see you soon Harper" He had lifted her hand gently kissing it, as she slightly turned red, as he chuckled walking away.

"This can't be good for my heart" Harper mumbled as she shook her head trying to calm herself from being so flustered. When she looked at the sky that was dyed orange, then and there she realized she had been in the café with Elijah for hours.

"Oh god! Freya must be worried!" Harper let out a gasp and pulled out her phone, that was dead," You are freaken kidding me!" She let out a groan, as she caught a taxi.

The entire ride in the taxi must have made the poor driver want to stop the car and throw her out, with her constant leg shaking, and the quiet cursing she was letting out.

The man looked at the rear-view mirror, seeing the distressed look on the woman's face, making himself drive faster to get her over her anxiety.

Harper noticed, and had a little smile form on her face, feeling slightly bad for making the driver annoyed, but also grateful, that her panicking helped in a way.

As soon as the driver pulled up in front of the shop, she quickly paid the driver and ran out apologizing to him.

She ran towards the shop, pushing it open and heard the panicked voice of Freya," No! Kol! I'm sure something happened to her-she usually calls me, or leaves notes behind!"

"Freya, you are over-reacting, you know how humans are" Kol replied and Harper's ears perked to the word 'humans' on why the male, Kol had said it like he wasn't human himself.

Harper chose to ignore it, running in catching her breath," Freya! I'm sorry I didn't call! My phone was dead, and get this I kind of ran into your brother"

"Oh, thank goodness!" Freya ran over hugging Harper, and then paused taking in what she said gently pushing her back with her hands still on the human

"Wait, Brother? Which one?"

Harper chuckled and noticed the male who was looking at her raising an eyebrow, and she swore she was looking at the younger version of Elijah

"Oh-um Elijah" Freya almost had a smile break out, on the idea of maybe she can be the one for Elijah.

Although, Freya still not knowing that Harper was sick and that the human was going to die sometime the beginning of the next year, only made things bittersweet.

"Lucky it wasn't Niklaus" Kol muttered, but both the females heard it

Freya gave him a scolding look," Right, anyways, Harper this is my younger brother Kol"

"The Narcissistic brother," Harper blurted out quickly covering her mouth as Kol raised an eyebrow at her

"Pardon?" Harper cursed quietly removing her hand

"Sorry, Elijah phrased that"

Freya turned to her," What did he say about me?"

Harper snickered," He said you're the protective big sister"

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