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It was a like any other night when Elijah had held his beloved Harper in his arms, as they just looked at the night sky, through the balcony of their shared quarters, but unlike most nights, Elijah was not looking at the stars, but instead, lost i...

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It was a like any other night when Elijah had held his beloved Harper in his arms, as they just looked at the night sky, through the balcony of their shared quarters, but unlike most nights, Elijah was not looking at the stars, but instead, lost in his thoughts.

The thoughts, of how to ask Harper, if she was willing to be put into slumber, to find a way to cure her, but all he kept thinking of how she'll handle it. She could be angry or she could be hurt, with the question, and he didn't want to have any of those responses.

"Elijah darling, is everything okay?" Harper noticed the look on Elijah's face, of being deep in thought, one she knew very well, or more like, she knew all of his face gestures, and this one had been shown for an entire day.

So, Harper knew something was filling his mind, and she couldn't help but feel pained with the thought of something that was possibly hurting him.

Elijah put on a forced smile, as he kissed the top of her head," You always see it, don't you?"

Harper hummed in response, as she turned to look into his eyes," Tell me, if you feel comfortable too"

Elijah looked at her like she grew two heads because he could tell Harper anything, comfortable or not, and he couldn't help but chuckle," I will always tell you anything because I can't fathom to lie to you Harper, love"

Harper turned herself, so now that she was fully facing her beloved, with both her legs on the side of his waist, as she reached over caressing his cheek with both hands," What do you have going on in that handsome head of yours?"

He had taken a few moments to just sort the words out in his head, one that would make him not sound ridiculous, so he had to organize it in a way, that didn't seem like it was forced," My siblings, have, came up with a proposition" He said as he took in a breath, as he turned to look into her eyes," But first, I must confess, about Freya's whereabouts"

"Freya?" Harper tilted her head, while Elijah nodded his head

"Yes, I may have not been completely, honest with you, love, and I apologize for it"

Harper chuckled as she leaned her forehead on his," Honestly, months ago, we didn't have this kind of relationship, so I can't possibly have any anger for not telling me where she went. At the time, I was still not completely well acquainted, so I'm not angry"

Elijah felt himself melt in her touch," How, do I have such an amazing, beautiful and magnificent, love, like you?" He questioned

"I should ask you the same, now, tell me, where is Freya, darling" Harper had responded

He let out a breath, as he finally had the courage, to tell her all he could," Freya, had left in the hope to find a way to extend your life" The hold on Harper's cheek lowered, which scared Elijah, in fear he had upset her

"What?" She asked with a voice crack

"Yes, but-"

Elijah- Why?" She interrupted him, but then cursed mentally since she just cut him off. She wasn't angry, but she was horrified, of feeling like she could have hope to live.

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