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Was it possible, for Harper and Elijah to have fallen so deeply in love at such a short time? Yes, it was, it was a painful one, because of how much it felt for them, the soothing feeling of being near each other

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Was it possible, for Harper and Elijah to have fallen so deeply in love at such a short time? Yes, it was, it was a painful one, because of how much it felt for them, the soothing feeling of being near each other.

"What did it feel like?" Harper questioned, as she looked at Elijah, as the sun had set in front of the pair, as they sat on the edge of the cliff.

Elijah had turned to look at her "What did?" he asked, as she closed her eyes

"Dying" Harper had told herself, to never ask that question, ever, because it would admit that she was accepting death with open arms.

"Dying?" Elijah's voice cracked, as Harper opened her eyes

"Does it hurt?" Elijah felt his chest fill with agony, how can he answer that question, did he truly know the feeling, since he was right here, breathing?

"Harper my dear, I'm not sure if I can answer that" He admitted and Harper reached her hand to his cheek

"Yes, you can" He leaned into her hand, taking slow breaths, as he searched for the answer.

"I can't tell you if it'll hurt, Harper, but I can say, it'll be a feeling that differs for everyone"

Harper ran her thumb on his cheek," Tell me how you felt"

He took a moment, as he spoke," Dying, for me, felt like I was falling into this world, that had nothing but the soul splitting from my body. To me, since it was not my final death, it felt like there had not been the true feeling of it, so Harper, my dear, I apologize, but I don't have the answer to your question, because it would be unfair to say that is what death was"

Harper shook her head and smiled," I disagree Elijah, that enough is an answer, because despite what you say, even if you are here now, and can't die easily, the feeling is still there, right here" She said as she brought her hand down to his heart," I think"

She looked up at him," I think, what I really wanted to ask, was that do you fear it?"

Elijah had raised one of his hands, as he put it on the hand she had on his chest, and he brought his hand to her own, feeling each beat that it made" I have never been afraid of it since I felt like it was something, I always wanted"

"Oh" was Harper said, as she looked down, but her head was lifted up, with the hand Elijah had on her chest

"But, that doesn't mean, I still think that Harper"

"What changed that?" She asked as he ran his hand to her cheek


Harper had taken a breath and held it, as he looked into his eyes, it was his genuine answer.

They both were not oblivious to their feelings, in fact, they both were very aware, but none ever said it to each other, it was not something that was needed.

Elijah had leaned forward, for the thing he had wanted, and Harper knew what it was, as both there lips connected, as their lips tingled, and their skin had crawled with delight, it was their first kiss, and it felt ever so beautiful for them.

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