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Harper cursed removing the tissue from her mouth after letting out a cough, as blood-soaked it

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Harper cursed removing the tissue from her mouth after letting out a cough, as blood-soaked it. She didn't like the constant reminder of her illness, but she knew she couldn't ignore it.

She raised her phone, pulling out her timer app, that read 11 months and 5 days.

Sure, it was not the exact time, and it may be sooner or later, but it gave her the set mind of trying to live her life to the fullest.

She heard a knock on the door," Harper? Are you okay in there?" She recognized the voice of Freya that sounded panicked, and so she hid her blood covered tissue and gargled some water to remove any evidence, and opened the door plastering a smile on her face.

She noticed Kol standing next to Freya both looking worried, and it confused why their faces looked pale.

Kol definitely still had the strong smell of blood filling his nose and eyed the restroom discreetly, and even Harper for any wounds, but she had none, which made him furrow his brow, a little apprehensive.

The Mikaelson's soon left, after finishing the dinner. Kol walked along with Freya towards there home," Are you sure you smelled blood?"

Kol rolled his eyes," Yes, she didn't have any wounds though, so unless she is secretly a fast healer, or what not-

"Or she could be on her period" Freya cut him off as he made a face, knowing it was not that. He didn't want to have to tell his sister, that the menstrual blood had a different scent, but he was too uncomfortable to say it out loud.

"Or she is hiding something" Kol added and Freya didn't bother answering back since they coming up with nothing. She had come to care for Harper almost like she was her own daughter.

"Whatever it is, I hope I can find out soon, I'd hate for anything to happen to her" Freya spoke as she and Kol reached their home.

Harper had woken up, after having a good night's rest, and decided to leave a voicemail to her parents, since the previous night talking about them, made her want to at least reassure them she was still alive, and well.

"Hey Mom and Dad, so, I know you don't pick up my calls, considering how I ran away and all, but I thought why not leave a voicemail. Um, anyways, I'm doing well, I have a job and a place to stay, and my landlord is actually my boss, and she really is looking out for me"

She paused for a moment, and quickly added the last part before she used up all the time left," I love you guys so much, and I'm truly sorry for just leaving, but I have been feeling so happy since I left, and I'm enjoying every bit of it"

"So, I know its selfish, but please, forgive me for hurting you both" She heard the beep telling her she ran out of time, and she lowered her phone feeling her tears fall. Harper didn't want to live each day constantly reminded she was dying, and if this was the way she could do it, then she did. Although maybe she could have done it differently.

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