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It was like time itself, was on there side, as each day, spent together, felt like years

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It was like time itself, was on there side, as each day, spent together, felt like years.

Each day was a month, and each month, was a year. That was how it felt for Elijah Mikaelson and Harper Kingsley.

Where comes the first kiss, comes many that follow after, and each time their lips had connected, it had been an ache, that came with it.

The three words, that have not been spoken, had been behind this wall that they feared to say, they knew it was real, they knew they felt it for each other, but saying it, was their biggest fears.

It was like saying the words, had a time bomb, and that it was the end of something, but that was not true at all, it was not something either could lie about, and say without the actual feeling.

Why did the words, feel like a Kryptonite?

When it was in actuality it was their immunity, it was the perfection that had taken the chains of hesitance, that surrounded their hearts.

Elijah had peered to the woman, he had come to love so deeply within just months, the woman, that was just a human, who stumbled upon him at a café, just for small talk turned into something magnificent.

Everything that she did, he smiled at, and even if she was just reading a book, while drinking a cup of coffee, he found that the most beautiful thing and that there, was enough for him, to just want to say those three words.

Harper looked up as she felt the pair of loving eyes, that had peered at her, as she returned the smile that was on Elijah's face, as she also found herself pulled into the trance of their little world.

How had she gotten so lucky, to find a man like him?

To her, he was one that you probably find in a fairytale, he was the prince in that devoted everything to the things he cared about, and despite his times of giving up for what he felt right, she was one of the very few things he could never give up, for she was so very special.

He walked over to her, as he held out his hand, and she took it instantly, as he lifted a hand to, he cheek, saying those three words," I love you"

Harper had looked at him, as he said those words, that burned deep into her mind, and the sound of it replaying in her head," I love you too" she replied, like the words rolling off her tongue, as they been meant to be heard.

The pair had said the words, that was not needed to be said, but when it was told, and heard, it only made them feel the words wrap around their souls, making them harmonize a beautiful song.

The three words, those darn three words, were finally said.

Harper and Elijah had officially spoken their feelings, now for the world to know. Now it had felt like the little secret feelings the two knew only for each other, had been announced for the world.

The pair leaned in for a kiss, as one hand each clasped, and the other holding apart of the other to feel the warmth that radiated off them.

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