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"I'm curious," Kol said as he sat with the females in the studio apartment eating the dinner Harper cooked

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"I'm curious," Kol said as he sat with the females in the studio apartment eating the dinner Harper cooked

"About what?" Harper asked as she ate her food.

"Well, not to be rude, but what is so special about you, that Freya just gave you a job and place to stay"

Freya instantly kicked his leg under the table giving him a cold hard stare but for Harper it didn't seem rude at all," Honestly I ask myself the same question, but Freya won't tell me"

Freya rolled her eyes at Kol who was chuckling at her reply," Well, I can't blame you, honestly, I mean I hardly know my sister myself" Harper raised an eyebrow and Freya facepalmed at his words

"Uh..." Harper said and Kol realized what he said but Freya saved him,

"Some things happened, and I ended up with my aunt, so I never met my younger siblings, only Finn and Elijah, the rest, I didn't until recently"

"Oh" Harper smiled and then let out a sigh," Must be nice to have siblings" making the two Mikaelson's share a look

Kol decided to ask," So I take you're an only child?"

"Yep" Harper replied popping the 'p' in the word," Well, my parents couldn't have kids, so they adopted me"

"Oh, wow, sorry if that was a soft subject" Kol answered and she shook her head

"Oh, no it wasn't, I don't even know who my birth parents are-I was literally born, and quickly adopted, it was a closed adoption"

Freya couldn't help but feel bad about the topic, so she decided to change it," Um, so, would you like to join us for dinner tomorrow night Harper?" Kol looked at Freya like she was insane for inviting her to a house full of vampires, minus herself.

"Oh, I couldn't intrude" Harper waved her hands flustered at the offer but when she saw the look on Freya's face she deflated in defeat

"I would be delighted"

Kol mentally swore to Freya, for feeling like his sister, was actually quite manipulative, and he was starting to think it might run in the family, considering all the siblings tended to result to persuading through manipulation even if it was harmless sometimes.

Harper was going to speak when her alarm went off, and she got up," Um un momento" She excused herself leaving the table, walking to the restroom, to take her medication.

When Freya watched her walk away, she tried to read her aura, but she got nothing letting her huff in frustration, and then Kol smirked," I see, so there is something special about the girl"

Freya snapped out of her concentration," It's just her aura is a little strange, she is definitely human, but..."

"But?" Kol questioned and Freya shrugged her shoulders

"I don't know" Kol looked then tried to focus on the girl and even her scent, and for some odd reason, he smelled fresh blood.

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