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"Wait, please my dearest Harper, allow me to finish," He said

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"Wait, please my dearest Harper, allow me to finish," He said

She moved back from his arms, as she hugged herself," Don't give me hope, Elijah, please, I can't take that. I already know Vampirism, is not a cure, but-

"I know love, but please, please allow me, to say what my siblings had suggested" Elijah moved forward, slowly in fear of her moving away, but she didn't, allowing him permission to touch her

"Please, I'm afraid, Elijah, please don't make me spend the rest of my time alive, in hope to live longer, I beg you" Tears had fallen down her face, and quickly, she started to break down.

Elijah had pulled her in his arms, as she leaned her head on his chest," Love, there is a way, there is, but-

"But?" Harper said between tears, as he ran a hand through her hair

"The proposition, is something you might find hard to believe" Harper couldn't help but find herself chuckle in amusement despite the tears

"Elijah, I've learned about the supernatural these past few months, anything hard to believe is out of the window at this rate"

Elijah had felt the relief, of her laughter, making it easier for him, to speak," I can put you in a slumber, one that'll allow you to be frozen at the current stage of your body, when you wake up, it'll be just like you had slept for the night"

"So basically, A Snow white, situation, and my illness is the poison that had not killed me, within my slumber?" Harper asked, no longer having tears fall down her face, and now facing Elijah again.

"Yes, in a way-"

No" Harper cut him off, and Elijah felt his heartbreak

"But love-"

"Elijah, I can't do that to you, if I'm correct, this slumber, will feel like a day for me, but what about you?" She questioned lifting her hand to clasp his," I can't make you wait, who knows how long, I can't do that to you" She said shaking her head profusely.

"Harper please, losing you, will make it hard for me to breath! Please" This time, Elijah had tears instantly flooding his face, shocking Harper, at the sudden tears," Please my love, please, I don't care how long it'll take, I just don't want to lose you"

"Elijah..." Harper had now fallen to the crying," It could take many years, my darling, I couldn't-

"Years, hundreds, thousands, I'd wait, I don't care" Elijah grabbed her face gently, as he leaned his forehead on her own," I'd do everything to find a way, I don't care how long it'll take, please, Harper"

"Fine, I'll do it" Harper gave in, because, she wanted to live, with Elijah, and god, help her for being so selfish, but, she wanted to grant Elijah this, because she knew, that he had given up so much, and this was the first, he had asked from her.

He had given her the world in just a short time, and if this was her favour in return, she'll do it, for him.

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