This is Her?

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Klaus's POV

"What are you doing here old friend?" It has been far too long since I have seen my old friend Stefan Salvatore and his brother.

"It's Caroline." Stefan says and I freeze. "Tyler Lockwood bit her, she needs your blood."

"What! I am going to kill that dog!" I scream. No one hurts my Caroline and lives.

"Dad! Why are you screaming? and whose dog are you going to kill?" Hope asked and I turned to her. 

"Pack some stuff, we're going on a trip." I said and smiled. Hope has never met Caroline. 

"Where are we going?" Hope asked and I smiled. 

"A small town called Mystic Falls." 

Hope's POV

After I went to pack some stuff I came downstairs and got in the car with my dad and the Salvatore brothers. I am sitting in the front seat with my dad. The car ride had been silent until we reached a sign that read, "Welcome to Mystic Falls". 

"Dad, why are we going to Mystic Falls?" I was wondering why my dad was driving us here. 

"A friend of mine needs my blood." My father said as he speeds into the town.

"What Friend? You don't have any remember" I said and laughed. 

"I have friends. Stefan is my friend, and..." My dad stopped when he realized I was right. 

"Mhm that what I thought. 

"Klaus, go to Caroline's house" I heard Stefan say.

"Wait. Dad is this THE Caroline? One of the only girls you have ever loved?" I asked and my dad just smiled. 

"Yes it's that Caroline." Damon said. I guess that the two brothers and my father have a long history together. 

Caroline's POV

Last night Tyler bit me. I am dying. The only person I can think of is him. Klaus Mikaelson. Stefan said that him and Damon were on their way with Klaus and a girl named Hope. I hope that this girl is not his girlfriend. Ever since that one time in the woods I have not been able to stop thinking about Klaus. I am in love with him, but I guess he is over me.

Klaus' POV

I turned into Caroline's driveway and turned off the car. I used my vamp speed to get to her, Hope followed me. I was thinking about how Hope wouldn't be able to get in but she did. I then remembered that Stefan had told me that Sheriff Forbes had died of Cancer. Anyways, I vamped to Caroline's room and as soon as I saw her I bit my wrist, she didn't have long. Without saying anything she took my wrist and drank. When she got enough she looked at me.

"Klaus," She didn't sound surprised at all. "You came." 

"Of course I came." How could Caroline think I wouldn't come. "And I brought someone I want you to meet." After I said that Hope walked in the room. I saw Caroline's smile drop and Bonnie and Matt looked confused.

"Hi. I'm Hope, Hope Mikaelson."

Caroline's POV

"Hi I'm Hope, Hope MIkaelson" so Klaus married her. I guess he really did move on.

"Hi hope" I said wanting to cry. "How do you now Klaus?" I had to know.

"I'm his daughter." He has a daughter. But, how?

"How is that possible?" Bonnie asked. I wanted to know how he could have had a daughter.

"Klaus is a vampire." Matt continued for Bonnie. 

"You see, I was born a werewolf and magic made me into a vampire. Because of my wolf gene I had a child." He told us.

"Who is your mom?" I asked even though I didn't want to know." 

Hope's POV

"Who is your mom?" Caroline asked. 

"Her name was Grace. She was a wolf." I paused. I don't like bringing up my mom. "She died when I was 6 years old."

"Oh I'm so sorry to bring it up." Caroline said but I could tell she was relieved. I believe that this girl still loves my father and I can tell my father loves her.

"Ok well I can see that you and my dad have a lot to catch up on so Stefan and I can go and get lunch for all of us. Come on Stefan" I said and Stefan followed me out. I also saw Damon and the brown-haired girl and blonde boy leave the room as well. 

"Ok. Bye Hope it was nice to meet you." 

Klaus' POV

Of course she left us. She is my daughter, she knows when I want to be alone or when I need to talk to someone in private.

"Hello Love," I haven't called her love in so long.

"Hi Klaus. So you have a daughter, she looks a lot like you."

"Caroline, I know I promised to stay away, but when Stefan and Damon came and told me you were dying, I had to come. I wasn't just gonna let you die." I promised Caroline that if she told me how she felt then I would leave and never come back.

"It's fine. In fact when Tyler bit me it was because I had told him I was leaving to go see you. I even bought a plane ticket to New Orleans." After she said that she pulled out a plane ticket. "Ever since that day in the woods I have not been able to stop thinking about you. Klaus, I love you." He smiled.

"Love are you sure this is what you want?" 

"You Promised me you would show me the world, I guess I'm cashing in that promise" She said and I kissed her. 

"Then get packing love, I'll tell Hope." 

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now