Coming Home to a Mess

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Klaus' POV

Mine and Caroline's honeymoon was amazing. We started in Paris then went to London and Italy. It was finally time to go home.

"Come on Caroline. We have to get home." I said waiting for her to finish packing.

"Hey it's not my fault that I have a lot of clothes. You bought me most of them."

"True. Well can I do anything to help love?"

"Yes, but I think you need to use all of your hybrid strength." I chuckled at that and helped her. She was right I did have to use all my strength.

"Ok. Now let's go."

"Fine. But we can we get food first."

"Fine. Only for you."

We got food and then we finally got to the private jet to take us home.

3 hours later

We finally arrived at the airport. When we left 2 weeks ago we left the car here so that we didn't have to wait for anyone to pick us up.

"You ready to go home love?"

"of course."

We drove for awhile. Caroline fell asleep and I didn't have to heart to wake her up. We drove and but when we finally got home I had to wake her up.

"Caroline, love. wake up are home."

"Five more minutes" She says in a sleepy voice.

"You can go back to sleep after we get it the house."


We got out of the car and decided to wait to unpack the car.

Hope's POV

"Oh Stefan." I moaned stefan's name as he kissed my neck hitting my spot. We were making out on the couch when we heard the front door open.

"Hope? Stefan? What are you doing?" dad said

"what no Hello Daughter that I Haven't Seen in 2 weeks !" I said and went to hug him.

"Hello daughter that I haven't seen in 2 weeks." We hugged and he kissed my forehead.

"Hi Hope" Caroline said when me and dad broke our hug

"Hi Care." We hugged

"What I don't get a hello?" Stefan asked Care

"Hey Stef" Then they hugged

"Excuse me. It's not like I haven't known you for a 1000 years or whatever." Rebekah yelled at my father

"Hi Bekah."

"Well Well brother." Kol said walking in with Finn and Elijah with Freya behind them.

"Damm we have a huge family." Dad says hugging all of his siblings.

"Well we could always get rid of Kol." I say smiling at Kol

"You know you love me."

"Do I know that? Ya I guess" I said hugging Kol, "You know what we should do?"

"What" dad groaned because he knew what was coming. 

"GAME NIGHT!!" Rebekah, Caroline, Freya and I all scream

"Do we even have a choice."The guys asked and we smiled.

"Ok well I wanna change. So meet here in an hour? Caroline said

"Sounds good." The girls said and the boys just nodded their head.

"Hey. I'm happy that your home dad. I love you."

"I love you to Hope." Dad said and hugged me. 

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now