Stope (Stefan and Hope)

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Hope's POV

I was in my room because I was mad at my dad. I was about to lay down and take a nap when someone knocked on my door.

"Go away dad." I yelled,

"It's not your dad." Caroline said, "Can I come in?" 

"Sure but don't touch the handle." when ever I am mad I put vervain on my door handle so no one can open the door, I also but wolfsbane so my dad can't open it. "Hi Caroline." I said and opened the door.

"Hope, do you want to talk about what happened?" asked Caroline and I shook my head no. "Look, Stefan is one of my best friends and that's why you should go put on your sexiest dress you have with your best heels and I will do your makeup and hair."

"But I'm 'grounded'." I said mocking my dad, "Remember?" 

"Don't worry about your dad." Caroline said with a smirk "I got him covered."

"Thanks Caroline" I said as I came out in a little red dress that was above my knees with black wedges, "How is this?" i asked caroline

"Damm girl." We both laughed, "I'm might have to borrow that."

"Feel free too. You can wear anything in my closet." I know it's a little weird because she is probably gonna hook-up with my dad, but I like Caroline.

"Thanks Hope." She paused and hugged me. "Ok I'm gonna go get my curling iron and makeup bag."

"Ok Caroline."

"Hope you can call me Care." We both smiled then Caroline walked out of my room and closed the door.

Klaus' POV

I was getting out of the shower when I heard the door to my and Caroline's room open, I still can't believe that Caroline and I will be sleeping in the same bed tonight.

"Love, is that you?" I say as I put a towel around my waist.

"Ya. I just need my curling iron and my makeup bag." She said and gave me a kiss.

"Ok." i said with a smirk, "Are you sure about this, us?"

"Yes, Klaus. ever since the night in the woods I have not been able to stop thinking about you. I love you and when you came to save me and I met Hope I was devastated  because I thought you were over me because she had the same last name as you. As soon as I found out she was your daughter I could not have been happier. The only reason why I kissed Kol was because it was a dare. You are the only one I want to kiss." Caroline said and then kissed me hard on the lips. I began to smirk, god I love this women.

"I love you too." I said to her.

"Ok now I will be right back then you and I are going to have some fun."

"Love" I said "Don't be too long." And after that she walked out of the room. 

Hope's POV

"Caroline and Klaus sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g" I sing as Caroline walked into my room.

"You heard that?" she blushed

"I couldn't help myself." i blessed to, "No matter how mad I am, I will always want my dad to be happy. And you make him happy." After that we talked and talked as she was doing my hair and makeup. Then we heard a sound, it was Caroline's phone.

S= Stefan

C= Caroline

S-I'm here. is she ready?

C- Yes. she is coming now.

S-Thank you Care

C-No Problem. But if you hurt her I will let Klaus kill you

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now