After Game Night

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 Klaus' POV

After last night I wasn't sure if I should propose to Caroline. I went to talk to Stefan who was sleeping in the guest room because Hope put a spell on their room to make sure no one could enter. I can't believe that Grace Smith is still alive. The mother of my daughter left her and let her think that she was dead. I decided to talk to Stefan so I got out of bed and walked to the guest room. On the way I walked by Hope's room and I heard her crying. I hate to see her like this. I wish Grace would just have stayed dead. I can't think about that right now though. I love my daughter but I also love Caroline. I want to marry Caroline. I walked passed Hope's room and knocked on the guest room. 

Stefan opened the door, "Klaus what can I do for you."

"I need to talk to you about a very important question." I said so no one knew what I was talking about.

"Oh that. Come in." He said. I went into the room and sat in the chair by the bed.

"So with the events that happened last night I am not sure if I still should propose to Caroline." I told Stefan as he gave me bourbon.

"You still should. In fact this is a better time than any. A girl you slept with and got pregnant is back from the dead." he said. 

"You're right. But I don't want to wait till to tonight. I need to do something romantic."

"what can I do to help? I want to make sure it is perfect for Caroline. She's my best friend."

"Ok. Just keep her distracted and out of the house."

"Ok. I'll take her shopping or something or maybe I can get Hope out of the house and she can take Caroline shopping and I can help you." Stefan said and left to go to Hope's room.

Hope's POV

I have been in my room since last night. I have eaten 5 tubes of cookie dough ice cream and I have been binge watching The Flash. I was in the middle of an episode when there was a knock on my door. I got up and opened the door. It was Stefan.

"Hi Stefan. I'm so sorry." I felt bad that I kinda kicked him out of our room.

"No don't be sorry. But if you want to make it up to me you can take Caroline shopping and find her an amazing sexy dress for her to wear and maybe something for you too." Stefan told me. I started to wonder what was going on.

"Ok. Go tell Caroline. I'm gonna get cleaned up." I said and kissed him. He left and went to dad and Care's room. 

 I took a shower and put on a white crop top and leggings with black wedges. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and did light makeup. I walked out of my room and went downstairs to eat something that isn't ice cream. I was the only one in the kitchen until Care came in. We talked for a little and ate then we left.

Klaus' POV

Caroline and Hope just left to go shopping. I then got all of my siblings and Enzo to tell them that I'm proposing to Caroline. Everyone was in the living room when I came in with the ring.

"I have something very Important to tell all of you." They all just stared at me, "I'm going to...Propose to Caroline!" I said pulling out the ring. They all smiled and hugged me.

"Oh my god Nik. That's so exciting. When, where, can I help in anyway." Rebekah said getting excited. 

"I'm going to propose today, here at the house, and yes I need all of your help. I need to make this perfect." I told them my plan. "My plan is to get Hope to tell me when they are coming home from shopping. For now until they get here we need to decorate the house in a perfect way. My idea is to have a path of candles and rose pedals going all the way to the backyard. Then I will have a blanket with candles and roses petals around it. I I will be standing on the blanket, with the ring. Then I will give her my speech about how much I love her and then I will get down on one knee and ask her. What do you think?"

"It's amazing." Freya said.

"I'm already crying." Rebekah said holding back tears of joy.

"You got this brother." Kol, Elijah, and Finn said at the same time.

"Good For you Klaus." Enzo and Stefan said.

"Let's get going. Freya and Rebekah get rose petals. Stefan text Hope and have her tell you when they are on their way home. Kol and Finn get candles. Elijah help me find the perfect tux." I said all bossy. Then everyone went to do their jobs.

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