A Day Of Revenge

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Rebekah's POV
"I know my niece. She will get revenge." I said pacing around the room.  

"You don't know that." Stefan was trying to stay calm. 

"Yes I do. One time Kol slept with her friend and killed her boyfriend and she daggered him and trashed his room. When she pulled the dagger out it looked like a hurricane went through his room. She only forgave him because he was dying. (Go with it) Which she saved him." 

"Wow. We are screwed."

"What if she tells Klaus?" Me and Stefan say at the same time. 

"Then your dead and I'm daggered." 

Just then I heard the front door open.

"I'm home!" Hope yelled

"Oh god." I said and Stefan looked like he wanted to take off his daylight ring and go into the sun. 

We walked downstairs to see Hope hugging Klaus and Caroline. Kol was with Elijah Finn and Freya and he already had a drink in his hand. I looked at Hope and she gave us a death stare. Then she went back to a smile.

"Bekah! Stef! I'm so happy to see you guys" Hope said and then hugged us. 

"It's good to see you to." I said. Then she whispered in my ear at a volume I could barley  hear. "You will get what you deserve. Just wait. And FYI I will turn dad against you. He will always pick his only daughter over one of his sisters. And not to mention dad has wanted to kill Stefan since we slept together at the Mystic Grill in Mystic Falls" She backed away. She hugged Stefan and I'm pretty sure she told him the same thing. 

"Ok. Well now that we have welcomed Hope and Kol back home. We should eat. Hope wanna make your Triple Chocolate Pancakes" Nik said. 

"Ok daddy." With that hope went to the kitchen and stated the pancakes. 

Hope's POV

I want nothing more then to rip Stefan's heart out just like he did to me. And all I want to do is take a dagger and shove it right through Rebekah's chest, which will be almost as painful as the pain she put me through. 
I went to the kitchen and in 10 minutes made 10 triple chocolate pancakes. I had more batter so I made at least 5 more. I called everyone and said that pancakes were ready. I may or may not have put some of my hybrid venom in to Rebekah's pancakes. Whoops.

"So Hope how was the trip. I saw your photo on Instagram. Did you and Kol go to a club?" Caroline asked and I heard Elijah and Finn ask each other what Instagram was. 

"Ya we did. It was fun. We got totally drunk. I barley remember it. That was pretty much the only thing we did. We got there hang out got ready went to the club. Slept and then left. I wanted to come home to my dear aunt Bekah and my wonderful boyfriend Stefan."

"Why do you say it like that?" Dad asked. 

"I don't know what you mean?"

"I mean. You specifically said Rebekah and Stefan. No one else."

"Oh that. Yes well I think you should hear it form Stefan." I turned to Stefan and started to compel him, "tell my dad what you did."

"I cheated on Hope with Rebekah." Stefan said. With a second Caroline had Stefan on the wall and Elijah was holding down Rebekah to stop her from saving Stefan or from running. 

"HOW COULD YOU STEFAN! I trusted you with her. I told you that if you hurt her I wouldn't stop Klaus from killing you!" Caroline screamed. 


S= Stefan

C= Caroline

S-Im here. is she ready?

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now