In New Orleans

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No One's POV

Klaus, Caroline, and Hope were getting ready to leave for New Orleans when Stefan comes in the room.

Hope's POV

"Hope are you in here? I need to talk about what happened at the grill." Stefan called for me and as he was walking in the room my dad looked at me then at him.

"What happened at the Grill?" My dad asked me and Stefan.

FLASHBACK (still in Hope's POV)

Stefan and I walked into the Mystic Grill and we sat down at a table.

"So Stefan, do my dad and Caroline have a lot of history?" I wanted to know why my dad dragged us to this little town just to save some girls life. 

"They do. But you should talk to your dad about it, its not my story to tell." 

After that we talked a little more and Stefan told me about how he knew my dad and that Aunt Rebekah and Stefan dated in the 1920's. After eating we decided to go to the bar. We had many drinks and before we knew what we were doing we were in the bathroom. I took off his shirt and he took off mine. He ripped off my jeans and I unzipped and then pulled his off. We were making out in our underwear until my dad texted me.

D = Klaus

H= Hope

D- Caroline is coming home with us.

H- Really?

D- Yes now hurry up and get back here and pack. We will leave in an hour.

H- Ok. 

Stefan was kissing my neck while i was on my phone.

"Stefan" I said in a moan "We need to go"

"Five more minutes" He said with puppy dog eyes



Stefan's POV

"Hope do you want to tell him?" I didn't want to tell the original hybrid who is an old friend that I had sex with his daughter in a restaurant bathroom. 

"Ok, so Dad, remember that I am your daughter and I can/will break your neck with magic and that Stefan is an old friend." Hope was taking her time to tell her dad.

"Ok get on with it Hope." Klaus was getting angry.

"Well we were drinking and then we were drunk. Like Kol at last years Christmas party drunk" Hope said trying to relieve some, "And then well, Stefan and I ended up in the bathroom and you know we kinda had sex." As soon as she said it Klaus had me up on a wall choking me.

"How dare you have sex with my ONLY daughter!" 

"Dad stop it right now!" I was about to black out when all of a sudden I hear a cracking sound. Hope just broke her fathers neck with magic.

"Now I know not to make you mad." I said taking a step back.

"Trust my its not the first time he's done that to someone I have slept with or dated. He is really overprotective."

"Wow what happened here?" Caroline said walking into the room.

Hope and I looked at each other and started to laugh.

Klaus' POV

I woke up with a stiff feeling in my neck. Hope broke my neck because I attacked Stefan. It's not my fault I'm overprotective of my ONLY daughter. I opened my eyes and realized that I was in my bed, In New Orleans.

"How are you feeling Nik?" my sister asked me. 

"I'm good, Bekah." I told her. "Where is Hope? I need to have a word with her."

"Nik stay here. I will go and get her." After Rebekah said that she walked away.

"Hi Dad." Hope walked into the room with the biggest smile on her face.

"Hope" I said with an angry tone, "Why did you do that."

"Do what. Sleep with Stefan, drink your bourbon, or break your neck?"

"You drank my bourbon?"

"Ya. The 1995 bottle."

"Hope Mikealson you are grounded for 1 week, give me your phone and put this on." It was a bracelet that doesn't let her do magic until she takes it off. I had it made for her when she was a baby.

"I am 21 years old you can't ground me." she said before she stormed out of the room.

Hope's POV


"Lets go everyone it's family game night! I ordered pizza and we have bourbon." I screamed so everyone could hear.

"You don't have to scream, we all could hear you if you whispered." Kol said.

"Whatever Kol" Kol is the best uncle. We have a lot of fun together with drinking.

"Hope you said that you would get a salad for me." Finn said. Now Finn is one of the most boring people that I know and I know a lot of people.

"Only for you Uncle Finn." I said and went to the kitchen and made him his favorite salad.

After the food was gone and everyone had a bottle of bourbon we decided on a game. We were going to play Flip, Truth or dare.

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now