Hope's First Happy Birthday

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Hope's POV

Today is the worst day of my life. First of all it's my birthday which is the day my mom "died". Second of all now Stefan and Caroline know. I was just hoping that they would never find out. It makes me feel kinda stupid to not celebrate because my mom left me. I haven't celebrated my birthday in years just because I thought she had died. But today will be different. I'm gonna go out there and put on a brave face. I'm gonna treat this day like any other. Trying not to kill someone for annoying me and drinking with Kol. 

After I laid in bed for a little I got up. I showered and straightened my hair. Then I put it up in a hair ponytail. I went to my closet and looked at all my clothes. I picked out a white dress with a lace center. I did light makeup with rose pink lipstick. I gave up on shoes and just grabbed some black sandals. I grabbed my phone and went to see dad in his room. I walked in not thinking but luckily only Caroline was in there. She was still sleeping so I didn't disturb her. I went downstairs and I heard voices. It was everyone except for Caroline and Me. I started to walk towards them when I heard, "So Niklaus. Your hunch was right. Caroline Is Hope's mother." Finn was told dad.

"How do I tell-" Dad was saying until I interrupted.

"Caroline is my mom?" I said while looking at my family and boyfriend.

"Hope what are you doing? We all thought you would be in your room all day. Like every year." Dad said

"I came out of my room because I didn't want to miss out on another birthday because of Sophia Grace." I said almost breaking into tears. "So how is this possible? How is Caroline my mother"

"Can someone else explain it please." Dad said looking down at the floor. It was like he couldn't even look me in the eye. "I'll do it." Rebekah said standing up from the armchair she was sitting in. "It all started the day when Katherine Pierce was dying. Her daughter Nadia kidnaped Matt Donovan the only human in Mystic Falls. So Bonnie, Caroline and Jeremy all went out to find Matt. Caroline was looking when she saw Nik. And then after a lot of talking and stuff they finally did IT in the woods." Rebekah said taking a breath.

"So dad and Caroline had sex, you can say the word you know Bekah. But then he got Sophia pregnant. I'm confused."

"Finn or Freya you guys are the witches explain." Rebekah added

Freya was about to start talking when Finn interrupted, "Hope. You see your father slept with Caroline and then with Sophia. When your father was in bed with Sophia, our mother put a spell on her to make her pregnant with Caroline and Niklaus' baby. AKA you. Caroline doesn't know that you are her daughter. I would let Niklaus tell her."

"Ok so first, dad is a total man whore" I said and paused while everyone except for dad laughed. "And two, I can kill Sophia now. Like for real."

"Well we definitely know she is my daughter." Dad said laughing. I smiled and hugged him.

"Aww that's so cute." Caroline said "What are you guys talking about. Hope you're out of your room"

"Ya I am. We are gonna celebrate my birthday."

"We hoped you would say that." Elijah said and then Kol came in with at least 50 gift.

"We figured we would make up for all the birthdays we didn't celebrate."

"I love you guys so much" I said and hugged everyone and kissed Stefan.

After that we spent the day opening all of my presents and Elijah compelled the top chef of my favorite restaurant to come and cook for us. It was the best birthday ever.

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