Flip Truth or dare

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Hope's POV

"This is a game that I made up. It is where you flip a coin and if it lands on Heads you take 2 shots and the group comes up with a Truth for you to answer. If you don't want to answer the truth you and your partner are out of the game. If it lands on tails you take 5 shots and you do a dare that your partner picks. Its the same rule that if you don't want to do it. So before we start we need to pick partners how do you want to do that?" I had to explain the game to everyone.

"Lets pick out of a hat." Caroline said 

"Great idea. I will write the names down." I ran out of the room and grabbed a hat and paper. I cut the paper into 8 squares. then i wrote all of our names down; Hope Caroline Freya Rebekah Kol Klaus Elijah and Finn.

"Ok so if you get someone that was already picked then draw again?" Kol questioned

"Yes" all the girls in the room answered.

"I will start first." I always have to go first

"I got Caroline." I said excitedly.

"We got this Hope" Caroline said giving me a high five

Klaus' Pov

My two girls are going to be partners.

"I will pick next." I stood up and went to the hat. "I got Kol. Yay" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't be like that Nik, we will win." Kol said with a grin on his face "Wait how do we win?" Kol asked.

"Every time you do a dare you get 5 points that's why you take 5 shots. Its the same thing for truth. At the end we will count up all the points."

"Oh we got this Nik, i will do anything." Then I realized, I got the best partner for truth or dare.

Rebekah's POV

"Please let me get Freya" I said in my head so no one heard me. I reach in the hat and pull out a name.

"I got Freya" Yes! I won't be stuck with a boring person for this.

"We got this sis." Freya said and gave me a high five.

Finn's POV

"So that means Elijah and i are partners." I was happy that it was Elijah because he is more fun then me so he can help me get through this horrible night, because I dislike drinking games.

"Yes brother." Nik said to me. Nik was lucky to have Kol, we all know that they are going to win.

"Ok so I will start the game." My niece said to the group.

Hope's POV

"Ok so i will start the game." I said to everyone in the group. I flip the coin and it lands on heads, so its Truth.

"I got Truth." I said holding up the coin, "Kol give me my shots." I took my two shots. "So what's my truth." The group was whispering at the perfect volume so I couldn't hear it.

"Why did you sleep with Stefan Salvatore." asked Kol. After he said it I looked at my dad knowing he was the one to come up with this.

"I slept with him because he is hot." I said with a smile. 

"My turn" Caroline said and flipped the coin. "Tails, pour me five shots and Hope give me a dare." I thought about this for a long time.

"I dare you to kiss" I said with a pause and looked around the room then I looked at dad and said, "Kol for 30 seconds. On the Lips" I smirked at my dad because he thought i would say him.

"Thats 30 seconds" Dad said. Of course it's him who calls time.

"Wow Caroline, no wonder why Nik likes you so much." Kol said with a smirk.

"Kol I will Dagger you." Dad said. 

"Dad relax it's just  a game, or should I break your neck again oh wait I can't because you are forcing me to wear this bracelet that takes my magic away. So should I just fight you or are you just gonna ground me again." I said and ran out of the room.

"Great Nik, you ruined Game Night" I heard Rebekah say.

Klaus' POV

"What the bloody-hell was that about Nik?" Kol asked "why did she get mad at you so fast?"

"Long Story" I said and walked out.

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now